M a r t i n ~~ H a w k s profile picture

M a r t i n ~~ H a w k s

writer, musican, artist

About Me

ABOUT THE 6 TRACKS ON THIS PAGE Track 1 - Long distance operator (3 :10) Dance, rap, trip hop rolled into one. Communion with the exotic world of fast digital conection.
Track 2 - Darling it's raining (3 : 35)
Melodrama, glory be for a singular road that begins & ends with you.
Track 3 - For the kiss of summer (4 : 00)
Romantic ballad with "modal" chordal score.
Track 4 - Dreams in the shadows (4 : 08)
Voice harmoniser on max!
Track 5 - Make believe (4 : 45)
Winding piano road to brass and cathedral organ climax!
Track 6 - Stepping out... (3 : 05) Grand journey though Swiss 'Kandersteg rail & car' Alpine mountain tunnel into the Italian sunshine.
With around 300 tracks to choose from over ten years (1997 - 2007) this has been a difficult choice yet the 6 tracks now on my main My Space page www.myspace.com/mhprogressive do represent the depth and breadth of my work from dance to chill to experimental progressive. My catalogue is to undergo re - mixes and pro mastering later this year and into 2009 with the MySpace / Snocap player allowing purchase once this becomes available outside the USA.
For the time being good h/phones and loud! is my recommendation since much of my work although well recorded is un - mastered and specifically mixed for quality h/phone listening. (i-pod in ear h/phones are just fine if played loud)
If you have yet to hear my work properly I DO suggest a darkened room!*!, good h/phones, play loud with no interuptions and play all 6 tracks one after the another in sequence. Listening to music, ESPECIALLY THIS MUSIC!! with full concentration and under the conditions advised is 300% improved to playing quietly in the background with high ambient noise all around whilst concentrating on a dozen other things at the same time. If you like something a little different, try this treat for your soul!
Much of my work is truly improvised which can be a little confusing in the context of the work you hear. Improvised, doesn't necessarly mean avant-garde jazz doodling. If you think of the various layers that build these songs with each thought up on the spot and recorded as a single "first record - take", with little or no rehearsal, that is what I do here. Much time is spent creating sounds, imagining how it should come together and engineering "right first time" Tracks come together quickly. I don't 'punch in' at all (meaning overdub or add afterwards) I do however 'punch out' a fair amount (technically meaning edit OUT where the improvised line is perhaps not as I wish) However, the essence and feel of the tracks are not altered in post production edit. "What I feel in mood and imagining at the time of recording is as close as I can realise to what you hear with as little 'interference' in the musical chain as possible. " The philosophy behind my work.
Thank you for listening. Your reviews and comments are much appreciated. Martin (July '08)
Copyright Martin Hawks July 2008 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
NEWS AT A GLANCE (july - dec 2008)
Band rehearsal sessions start 06 sept 2008
Mali may return in Sept ...
New MH short story now available "The lighthouse keeper"
New MH poem now available "Temptress"
Dance track "Temple of Luxor" complete mid July
Dance track "Temple of Horus" complete mid July
"Sometimes Ghosts" CD final stages of completion
New short story "Surrender" started today (5th July)
Photos from Northumberland tree house here end July
New media page here myspace/intimatecreations
TC Finalizer purchased (mastering chain complete)
Awaiting SNOCAP MySpace player for back catalogue track purchase
special presentation pack
The long awaited special presentation pack to celebrate the work of MH will be available early 2009 to combine with a series of unique concerts. A double CD "the very best of" re-mixed, pro mastered tracks PLUS Martin Hawks short stories & poetry (inc. the brand new work "Surrender") published in book form for the first time. More news here soon...
email : martinhawks@btopenworld.com
for more info & advance ordering.
MH SHORT STORES : The Maligned Kiss : Green Cathedral in Spectre : Love & Surrender (NEW) : The Lighthouse Keeper : Breath to the limit of the trance : Intimacy : Something understood : Not one star will last the night : Endlessly : Poems ...
MUSIC (Early period) Marionettes to the Elevator : Hawks flying through the years : Longitude : Another world : Games with Titania
MUSIC (Later period) The Kiss of Summer : Dreams in the shadows : Lake of the Maidens : My God it's full of stars! : Redeem us : Closer : Ironbridge tomb : Inner light : Sunday Farming : Stepping out : Tapestry : First contact : Night train / snow falls : So far out (Pt 1) : Golden flowers Pt's 1 & 2) : Make believe : Composure Parts (1,2,3) : Temple of Nexor & Luxor (NEW) : Temple of Horus (NEW)
MUSIC (with Mali)The Maypole : So far out (Pt 2) : Vision : Offering of moon : Silk & Satin
Moving on ... I will be completing the CD "Sometimes ghosts ..." plus composing dance based songs for live shows coming soon.I have a new story, "The lighthouse keeper" and media page where new work will be displayed at the lighthouse keeper Once again thank you for your wonderful support and encouragement. mh (july '08)
My fictional stories may be found at :
romantic fiction
My dance music, stories, photos & art may be found at :
dance music, stories, photos & art
More progressive music up here :
more progressive music
event horizon
2008 - 09 (last update : 27 jly)
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FRI 4TH JLY 2008 Energised tonight with the thought of moving on and devoting more time to the band project. Think I will incorporate dance ideas too. Gear now established as the "right" set up! Real progress made from 6 months back. Huw becoming a most 'musical' player. Michael on saxes available this month, a good reminder to now contact.The faust CD I purchased last w/end is a real eye opener for my kind of sounds and great production. Takes the idea of ambient music but makes it live on the edge. And of course the Magma "Kontakoz" live double is just as I remember. Lovely wonderful stuff! I have a mind to do the vocal with those special 'intervals'. No idea what the future holds with Mali. I did try so these past 2 weeks to continue. Perhaps something, perhaps nothing. Crazy world when I / we can't seem to finish a cd project to a good conclusion. It must be me! Perhaps I'm too focused on knowing exactly how it should be. How I hear the completed result in my mind ages before hand. I'll miss her, she was lovely person to work with.
Composer, multi-instrumentalist, Martin Hawks creates rare and unusual progressive music with drums, guitar, bass, keyboards yet incorporates sampling and loops, treated percussion voice & electronic effects. Now working with a new vocalist on multi-media performance into 2009 (progressive, rock soundscapes, freejazz, mood, atmospheric, dark poetry, voice effects, back projection, film segments, vj milkdrop abstract visualisations), the journey continues! *It's about authenticity, being completely true to my inner creative spiritual voice.*Lots of info about me here: MH NEWSLETTER
... the new MH album
My work is about waiting for moments of true inspiration. This new MH CD is indeed special! I am proud to have achieved such a milestone along my musical journey. mh (mar '08)
Tracks on the cd :
the strange & changing seasons (7 : 40) : night train / snow falls (8 : 08) : in your eyes (4 : 18) : silk & satin (5 : 45) : sometimes ghosts play with my senses (2 : 05) : dreams in the shadows (4 : 10) : hydrothermal (6 : 38) : sublime aphrodite (3 : 38) : no one really knows (2 : 40) : search for days (3 : 02) : waves divine (8 : 48) : spiritual co-essence (4 : 35) : so far out (13 : 50)
includes the wonderful :
so far out ...
music for listeners.. mixed esp for h/phones drama in music! A journey to another place where art is painted not with colour but with sound.. ** Dear Martin, Tonight I journeyed through your pages... for that's what they are... a journey to another place where art is painted not with color, but with sound. I read through your blog, about your thoughts, your beliefs, and I can appreciate and harmonize with your words. You speak from the soul as well as your heart. ** Lisa, North Carolina. Martin Hawks sound can be thought of as ROMANTIC & SPIRITUAL. IDEAS & AMBITIONS INFLUENCED BY PROGRESSIVE MUSIC. The end result is a continual interchange between improvised mood, contrast & surprise, forming a new coalescence of sounds & ideas. SOME OF WHICH CAN BE QUITE REVOLUTIONARY, some more straightforward, BUT ALWAYS CHALLENGING ACCEPTED NORMS & STIMULATING FURTHER EXPERIMENTION Free form, avant-garde style improvisations on piano from an early age led to a passion for progressive music (King Crimson, early Pink Floyd Curved air, Focus, Can, Faust .. and many others) & a keen interest in the use of electronics and early synthesisers.
With piano continuing, Martin Hawks experimented with a wide range of additional instrumentation, playing conventional drums and percussion in various live band situations plus teaching himself the rudimentary skills of vibes, flute & later electric & bass guitar. After gaining an honours degree in electronics from Nottingham University, Martin Hawks studied the technological aspects of electronic music. Self taught in the techniques of recording and mixing he assisted with the arrangement and production of local pop and dance songs building on these experiences to assemble a recording studio for personal work. Whilst continuing to listen and admire mainly non-commercial progressive artists MH advanced his individual and unorthodox style of play. Experimentation and improvisation of ideas composed spontaneously! *on-the-fly* blend multi - instrumentation with melodic rhythmic sequences & original chord progressions.
MH paint abstracts (2006) More at Flickr
As a composer of musical ideas, styles of work range from progressive rock to ambient music for meditation & relaxation to the avant-garde & experimental. The improvisations you hear on CDS by Martin Hawks are mainly the results of recording first-takes! ABOUT THE MUSIC My music is composed in the spirit of the true progressive artists who create sound from a place of beauty and hearts desire. My journey continues towards self fulfilment, yet more, a yearning to invent. Art without limit, without constraint to the imaginative spirit! A quest to capture with sound the urgency from within, mind & spirit inspired to glimpse the unreachable through (keyboard, vocal, guitar) inspiration. Hi Martin... you've got that much talent I don't know where to start!!! I love "dark energy.." & "light of the moon" in particular and your art work is quite amazing. Marcia (Nov 27 2006) "Martin Hawks is a solo musician from Cambs England.
Early progressive MH (Electric Waves from 1998)
His flair for experimentation & eclectic influences create a diverse non - genre sound of romance, melody & atmosphere for the imagination. MH uses a wide range of instrumentation (inc grand piano, rhodes, organ, mellotron, synthesizers, drums & percussion blended with bass, guitar & vocal effects.) The music comes though improvisation with a direct link to mood & creative harmony. Open your ears wide as this composer brings beauty & passion to music!" "My God it's full of ..." is so marvellous that I will focus on it alone. It moves with an easy sense of purpose - carefree and hypnotically percussive.
A sequence of chords with changing textures floats along with it like clouds. Then, towards the end, the chordal texture envelopes the rhythmic elements and I am surrounded and embraced by an exquisite beauty. This piece is quite simply overwhelming. Allan Jarvesalu (Dec 4 2006) A fusion of inventive rock, enigmatic progressive music with the ambient mood relaxation scene. Mood, atmospheric, synthesiser, vocal, driven ambient rock & jazz. Percussion, chants, world music, psychedelic fusion. A mix of prepared backing, written composition & free-form improvisation.
click here for poetry, romantic fiction
TODAY MARTIN HAWKS PLAYS.. Hammond B3 organ (Nord Electro2) Rhodes EP (Nord Electro2 + onboard effects) Grand Piano, Clavinet (Compressed, treated) Multi k/b textures (Korg Triton) Guitars & effects (Strat + Line 6 pods) Bass guitar & k/b bass (Fender jazz bass - compressed, treated) Hand percussion, congas etc (Handsonic) Programmed drum rhythms (Electribe + m-c's) Vibes, Flute, Mellotron (EMU P -2000) Tapes, backing Synthesisers (*Darkstar* + Roger Linn Addrenalinn) Vocal effects (Kaoss pad, lexicons) Nord G2 modular synthesiser Roland TD- 20 drums * I can't play with sounds that are not my own. Creating my own sounds is what this is all about! If one person can play everything, perhaps you have a more unique and more organic way of making music. Its my favourite way to play. I don't do much thinking at all. Its just what comes out. When I improvise theres no mind. I'm just there. Its like abstract painting. It's about fantasy. Im not thinking - who is this for? Its just something I do. Mind messes everything up. When inspirational composition starts, rational thinking stops. My sounds and compositions are based on pure instinct. Sounds, textures I create are based on the way the key feels, the way the sound feels. Compositions improvised to the point where the sound rings as if it's my voice, my language. * These new tracks are Martin Hawks originals! Created with passion & dedication with love for music "drama" each song builds to a climax.. h/phones & play loud please.. from intro to outro my journey into sound continues...
THE Martin Hawks SOUND CAN BE THOUGHT OF AS romantic & spiritual. IDEAS & AMBITIONS INFLUENCED BY PROGRESSIVE MUSIC. The end result is a continual interchange between improvised mood, contrast & surprise, forming a new coalescence of sounds & ideas. SOME OF WHICH CAN BE QUITE REVOLUTIONARY, some more straightforward, BUT ALWAYS CHALLENGING ACCEPTED NORMS & STIMULATING FURTHER EXPERIMENTION" I HAVE MIXED THESE TRACKS SPECIFICALLY FOR LISTENING WITH H/PHONES!! PLEASE DO PLAY LOUD & LISTEN ALL THE WAY THROUGH TO FOLLOW MY JOURNEY OF MOOD, CONTRAST & SURPRISE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *The music I create may be likened to abstract art in sound. An ever shifting myriad of fleeting & transient ideas for the imagination. These songs continue my artistic journey, yet retain spontaneity & improvisation, the heart of my work. A passion to create a mood that resonates within. To know what feels right. This music is about how I feel today. It's about authenticity. Being totally true to my inner creative voice* mh (jan 2007) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
meditating !
TO HEAR WHAT I HEAR.. play tracks all the way through using QUALITY H/PHONES. Play loud. I am in no hurry to build a friends network. Quality not quantity. You are here because you are special to me in friendship, music and words. We each follow our own individual path toward greater spiritual awareness and understanding. We are accountable to ourselves. Bad Karma hinders progress. By opening our hearts and minds to others, however different from our own path, we gain enlightenment, humility, wisdom and knowledge. My music and writing form a part of my own spiritual journey. Perhaps we share a similar path? Listen and read my work, you will know. In the same way, my request to add you here as a friend is with thought and a sense of connection with your music and your page. Thank you for finding me & taking time to read these words. mh
MH RECOMMENDED LISTENING Early prog (instr) - Marionettes to the Elevator (1997)
Early progressive (vocal) - Hawks flying thru the Years (1999)
Dance (instr) - Temple of Luxor / Horus (2008)
Dance (vocal) - Long Distance Operator (2008)
Experimental (instr) - Lake of the maidens (2007)
Experimental (vocal) -Sunday Farming (2005)
Rock (instr) - Ironbridge tomb (2006)
Rock (vocal) - Waves divine, with Mali (2007)
Ballad (instr) - Inner light (1999)
Ballad (vocal) - For the kiss of summer (2005)
Progressive (instr) - Dreams in the shadows (2007)
Progressive (vocal) - Reedem us! / Closer (2006)
Mood / relaxation (instr) - Cyber rapture (2003)
Mood / relaxation (vocal) - Full of stars (2006)
With Mali (vocal) - So far out (2008)
With Mali (vocal) - Silk & satin (2007)
I am in no hurry to build a friends network. Quality not quantity. You are here because you are special to me in friendship, music and words. We each follow our own individual path toward greater spiritual awareness and understanding. We are accountable to ourselves. Bad Karma hinders progress. By opening our hearts and minds to others, however different from our own path, we gain enlightenment, humility, wisdom and knowledge. My music and writing form a part of my own spiritual journey. Perhaps we share a similar path? Listen and read my work, you will know. In the same way, my request to add you here as a friend is with thought and a sense of connection with your music and your page. To enable us to keep in touch dear friend please click to my latest news:MH NEWSLETTER!

My Interests


Member Since: 4/24/2006
Band Website: myspace.com/martinhawks
Band Members: reviews, media & links
~ Hi Martin, I really like your work. Your songs are ethereal, trancendent, picturesque, and enveloping. You really draw your listener in and do a great job of tension and release. Very cool.

~ hi martin, very professional construction, liquid atmosphere.

~ Hello Martin, wonderful recordings, very nice atmosphere; thanks for invitation!

~ Pleasure to be friends; wish you success and musical enjoyment! Ruud.

~ Dear Martin! Truly unique and unusual work! Thanks for the friendship, greatly appreciated All the best to you! Harald

~ Very nice very nice! Thanks for finding me! Blessings, Proggirl

~ hiya..so good to be here.. ..I like your music.. ..greet from Croatia..Nella;)

~ thank you for finding me Martin , it's a pleasure to be your friend, and to hear your music , great ambiance. My best wishes.

~ Hi Martin. A sincere thanks for your friend invite. A pleasure to be your friend. Listening to your music right now... All the best from Montreal! Lizann

~ Hey Martin, Thanks for the invite! I have just listened to your tracks and I love them. I like "For the kiss of summer" the best, and I would have died to play on one of your tracks. Well I hope you like what I do as much as I like your sounds. holten ..

~ Hi MartinThanks for the add request and introduction to your extraordinary music - we are truly honoured to be amongst your friends!All the best Danny & Deryn

~ Jeez Martin, there was I searching for TP on altavista and i get a link to your page. Nice music, good taste I might add. We worked at Addenbrooke's till 6 years ago then moved to NZ, much kinder climate. Steve

~ Hello Martin, really happy discovering your musical landscape, such sensitive, inner, elegant.. I'm very close to these sounds, specially for the incoming album (hope getting one track on my player, by june..) I've read your blogs, and each word on your page.

~ Good spirit ! Welcome and take care.

~ Hello Martin =) It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm writing to give you thanks and love for stopping by my page. I've just given your music a listen and absolutely fell in love with "Kiss of Summer"... it's that kind of tune that takes you to another place. Well done. I hope you won't be a stranger. Hope all is well with you on this Tuesday. Take Care. All love, Christion.

~ Martin... I have to say that I'm absolutely astonished by these writings...It's not the text actually... It's the act that I've never encountered someone with my exact same beliefs of spirituality. Bravo love.

~ Quite an interesting mix you have here Martin... I in particular like the Gentle Giantesque "Sunday Farming" Hope all is well* Ric..

~ Martin Hawks stories retain a romantic innocence of a bygone age. This music is superb for late night headphone listening.

~ These tracks capture a scenic musical journey for the mind.

~ Loved, captivated by the ever changing fabric, kept me listening throughout!

~ Delightful harmonies, textural landscapes, an abundance of musical subtlety.

~ Music for quiet reflective contemplation.

~ Hugely inventive & original. Music to be proud of!

~ Great new tracks! Very exciting and explorative, and very different moods. "Boundary wall" is beautiful, as is "Sunday farming", though in a completely different way, sounds like a scary stormy story. I love the soundscapes of "Kiss of summer", esp. the middle part, and the faust-thing is terrific! "Video streamer" is a playful ambient peace! Thanx for sharing it!* Lisa

~ Hi Mart, I like the piano playing on Boundary Wall. The content of Sunday Farming appeals too. Love the start.

~ The vocal treatment is fairly amazing and I think you're some great ideas going on in the keyboard lines. CC

~ I loved the tracks on this page... you have an amazing talent.. no gift. I played piano a little when I was younger and violin. You make me wish I never gave it up! Angie

~ Hi martin, great 2 tracks here, u are a genius. The vocals are really out of this world with the strange FX. I'm proud to be working with you, finally I found a person who not only likes to experiment but is also a great musician. Cya sooon The CD continues to preoccupy my imagination with haunting magical journeys across the musical spectrum.

~ Many wonderful changes in sound & mood.

~ Martin Hawks has done an exceptional job in letting the music go where it takes him with imagination and self-expression.

~ Rebeccas dream within a dream, is a work of spontaneity, changing mood and changing complexity. Perfect for relaxation and meditation.

~ The CD never lost my interest. I found it exciting to wonder what was coming next! I think this work at last shows the composer doing what he likes to do, push the boundaries with new & adventurous music. I rate Rebecca alongside MH best work - Marionettes & Longitude

~ An impressive new work from Martin Hawks. Consistently good throughout with subtle changes in dynamics and continual suggestion of ideas. (About Rebecca's dream within a dream)

martin hawks complete 1997 - 2007
selected tracks
~ Afterglow

~ Airship over Paris

~ Another world

~ Autumn never was

~ Black clouds rolling in

~ Blue metal of streams

~ Circle in your golden aeroplane

~ Closer

~ Composure

~ Cyber rapture

~ Dancing in the wilderness

~ Dark energy, dark matter

~ Dark water, red altar

~ Darling, it's raining

~ Day of radiance

~ Dizzy dizzy you Pt1

~ Dizzy dizzy you Pt2

~ Drama scene!

~ Dreams in the Shadows

~ Electric waves

~ Energy to the line

~ Far side to no where

~ First Contact

~ Forget me not

~ From propellor to jet

~ Games with Titania

~ Ghost train

~ Hawks flying though the years

~ How lovely you are

~ I dare not meet the dafodils

~ Industrial wasteland

~ Inner Light

~ Invocation

~ Invocation (with Penny - vocals)

~ Ironbridge tomb

~ Love and devotion

~ Jazz in pure

~ Jazz variations

~ For the kiss of summer

~ Lake of the maidens

~ Lantern

~ Launch in 3,2,1

~ Light of the moon

~ Longitude

~ Marionettes to the elevator

~ Mars Intertwine Pt1

~ My God, it's full of stars!

~ One fine day

~ Orgasmatron

~ Redeem us!

~ Remember when

~ Running wild

~ Saviour

~ Silent running to the void

~ Snowbound

~ Songs of distant Earth

~ Speak in the Mysterious

~ Stepping out

~ Strange moon

~ Street girl smiles in the sunshine

~ Sun dance for freedom

~ Sunday Farming

~ Tapestry

~ Textures in sound

~ The liberated spirit

~ The moon on Lleyn

~ The way we live now

~ Touched by the spirit

~ Transformer

~ Video streamer to the clouds

~ View from the harbour

~ Waves Divine Pt3

~ White dove lands on black altar

~ Winter in Venice

~ Workhouse Mill

~ Yellow waxen lights

~ Yoni rides out

1997 - 2007 albums
~ Speak in the Mysterious (1997)

~ Inner light (1998)

~ Rebecca's dream within a dream (1999)

~ Wild orchid (2000)

~ Astronomie (2001)

~ Dismantle this empty room (2002)
~ Chime (2003)

~ Dark energy / dark matter 2004)

~ Strange moon (2005)

~ Radiance (2006)

~ Engine against the almighty (2007)

tracks with MALI

2008 -

~ Strange & changing seasons (7 : 40)

~ Night train / snow falls (7 : 30)

~ In your eyes (4 : 17)

~ Silk & satin (5 : 45)

~ Sometimes ghosts (2 : 05)

~ Dreams in the shadows (4 : 09)

~ Hydrothermal (6 : 45)

~ Sublime aphrodite (3 : 58)

~ No one really knows (2 : 40)

~ Search for days (3 : 01)

~ Waves divine (8 : 48)

~ Spiritual co-essence (4 : 40)

~ So far out (13 : 50)

~ Visioon (4 : 45)

~ The Maypole (2 : 40)

~ For Mali (3 : 40)

~ Offering of moon (5 : 20)

~ Tomorrow place for dreams (6 : 35)

~ Sex magick (3 : 46)

~ Engine against the almighty (10 : 51)


~ Crossing to Bardsey - island of 20,000 saints

~ Where you may see yourself as you are

~ Hawk flying through the years

~ The future for where you are is bound up from where you begin

~ My golden tea party

~ Chamber

~ Where hearts go

~ The moon in Lleyn

~ Half in magic - half in dare

~ Longitude

~ No more is the water

~ Orkney bay

~ Touched by the spirit of a runaway girl

~ Night comes in the city of dreams

~ Witching hour

~ Industrial nations

~ Holy trinity & the devil's world

~ Love is no illusion here

~ If ever I feel better

~ White winter

~ Waves passing

~ Red sail white spray

~ I feel the loneliness in the hills

~ Yesterday's committee

~ Time brings healing ways

~ Perpetual higher

~ Furnace

~ The lightship

~ Dream becomes a day

~ Gloom lamp 15

~ Where I cannot go

~ That's me going round again

~ Dizzy dizzy you

~ Purr tone

~ Saviours way

~ Remember Shaima Rezayee

~ Sounds of the wondermaker

~ I wish they'd send a spaceship
for me, I'm lonely

~ Salvage yard

~ Shimmer

~ Dark energy, dark matter

~ Endlessly

~ Mermaid at the far shore

~ This odd feeling decontrols me honey

~ The Temptress (2008)


~ The maligned kiss

~ Green cathedral in spectre

~ Intimacy

~ Something understood

~ Breath to the limit of the trance

~ Heart in pilgrimage

~ Under curious stars

~ Half in magic, half in dare

~ Liberty's back in electric thought

~ Beautiful as the moon

~ Dream within a dream

~ Engine against the almighty

~ Phono erotic

~ Not one star will last the night

~ Endlessly

~ The light housekeeper

~ Surrender


~ The curse of ignorance

~ Technological predictions for 2003 - 2103

~ Strange but true!

~ Can we trust the bible?

~ Allan Kardec's *The spirits book*

~ About Arthur Findlay

~ After we die

~ The supression of knowledge

~ Knowledge is the ultimate antidote to fear

~ Secular, scientific case for life after death

~ What happen when we die

~ A personal viewpoint

~ The seven laws of Psychic energy

~ Tibetan book of the dead

1997 - 2007
~ hawk flying through the years

~ tiger across high plateau

~ yoni rides out

~ crazy holy grace

~ the liberated spirit

~ airship over paris by night

~ marionettes to the elevator

~ outro

~ one fine day

~ blue metal of streams

~ I dare not meet the dafodils..

~ light to the ceremony line

~ electric waves

~ dancing in the wilderness

~ time of your life

~ a beautiful day for sailing

~ alaska ice house

~ autumn never was

~ black clouds rolling in

~ cat skating over skittering scree

~ collett's dreaming days are over

~ collide

~ dreamer on blue sea

~ for when i am gone

~ good time off for bad behaviour

~ harmonise the generations

~ in her blue world

~ liberty jazz

~ night comes in the city of dreams

~ procession

~ oblique

~ storm

~ sundance for freedom

~ the doppler effect

~ touched by the spirit of a runaway girl

~ afterglow

~ emergance

~ plaque

~ spring equinox

~ sunchild

~ impass in coco science

~ infinity calamity doppler insanity

~ underground siren inferno

~ homage to the earth spirits

~ white dove lands on black altar

~ echoes of a world so tired

~ from propeller to jet in the blink of an eye

~ industrial wastelend

~ ballet altantique

~ composure

~ divine madness in the pulpit

~ five stone arches

~ energy to the line

~ the alphabet of grace

~ shanties awash with rainbows

~ day of radiance

~ higher plian drifter

~ street girl smiles in the sunshire

~ ocean depths & the creatures there

~ the rainy season

~ the new frontier

~ spiritual heart

~ gipsy girl

~ invocation

~ invocation (re - mix)

~ cyber rapture

~ stepping out..

~ stepping out (re - mix)

~ manteo on rhode island

~ strange moon

~ evensong

~ silent running to the void

~ pavilion

~ there she goes

~ crystalline blue

~ solar flare

~ journey to andromeda

~ journey to andromeda (with Penny Langstone)

~ sunrise

~ eros dream space

~ spiral nebula

~ venusian jaz

~ life fell opon things strange

~ aurora australis

~ gravity drive

~ far cry to no where

~ far cry to no where pt 2

~ heyday on the verve

~ compound rhythm in blue

~ northern star

~ icelandic dream

~ amber

~ unobtanium

~ vespertine angel

~ shimmer

~ zing boom

~ space junk

~ tapestry

~ winter in venice

~ bring down the blessing

~ ectasy of st magdalen

~ draw the holy line

~ far side of today

~ wild orchid

~ emergence

~ skater divine

~ sailing accross the lunar sea

~ ghost train

~ nature echoes a heart of sorrow

~ take a deep breath

~ sinking the altantic convoys

~ call again honey

~ dizzy dozzy you pt1

~ dizzy dizzy you pt2

~ postcard from brazil

~ orange sunshine

~ gothic

~ view from the harbour

~ temperance day

~ grafitti splash

~ the shaman

~ orgasmatron

~ thunder train

~ torn limb

~ inner light

~ messiah

~ night train to anchorage

~ sorry

~ 23rd century fashion victim

~ pale angel admires & re - emerges

~ three tides rise to the kingly nonsense prime

~ we are the undead marble mutants

~ all the colours dragged through the snow

~ hydrothermal

~ chaotic dream days

~ astonomie

~ hybridise

~ skate the metro

~ for this may some from something seen

~ cascadence

~ forward momemtum

~ absolution

~ blue water trance

~ outpost 9

~ sunday farming

~ for the kiss of summer

~ video streamer to the clouds

~ remember when

~ tranquillity

~ endlessly

~ light of the moon

~ salvage yard

~ dark energy - dark matter

~ my god, it's full of stars!

~ dark water - red altar

~ tapestry (re - mix)

~ the boundary wall

~ clang on preach high

~ under the rising sun

~ tall ships

~ magic & myth in the desert landscape

~ cosmic background noise

~ lantern

~ make believe & darling it's raining

~ electric band elana

~ 747 inbound

~ heaven of the dark light

~ chime

~ everything you are

~ light of isolation

~ joy shapes

~ gloom lamp 15

~ sargasso sea

~ set the controls for the heart of you

~ enchantment

~ siberian reality check

~ the great seige tunnels

~ candles & gunpowder

~ a squiggle of energy

~ dismantle this empty room

~ lake of the maidens

~ launch in 3,2,1..

~ invocation (with Penny Langstone)

~ circle in your golden aeroplane

~ mind games with titania

~ longitude

~ first contact

~ still waiting for my saviour

~ another world

~ into the gloom void

~ textures in sound

~ perpetual higher

~ flock

~ exotica

~ celestial luna

~ swans in the mist

~ sublime aphrodite

~ to sleep is to wake

~ phonoerotic

~ televior

~ vortex

~ barges drift on the turn of the tide

~ water

~ weather worn people

~ here in the summer heat & you

~ unobtainium

~ vespertine angel

~ shimmer

~ zing boom

~ heaven of the dark light

~ flock

~ pandaemonium

~ oblivion

~ all fall down

~ not one star will last the night

~ biological warfare

~ slither down the rooftops

~ chameleom mountain

~ this odd feeling de - controls me honey

~ sunset on a cool breeze

~ synchonia

~ 32 fahrenheit

~ and so & so

~ i hear thise voices that will not be drowned

~ a singular moment to begin again

~ unwind the day

~ inventing it for you (with CCorry - vocals)

~ dance Class (with Chris Corry)

~ for mary who is never here

~ body snap - time shuttle (Chris Corry)

~ electromagnetic

~ atmospherics (with Jorge Vasques - guitar)

~ collete's dream days are over

~ the voice of god

~ the moon on lleyn

click here for mali & martin

ABSTRACT SENSES live performance

click here for reviews

pushing the avant-garde
boundaries ...
recording notes Drawing inspiration from a visit to Tate Liverpool (international modern & contemporay art) on July 19th '08, plus experiments with long delay lines & multiple sample & hold devices, a new album will feature MH pushing the boundaries of 'abstract art in sound' to mirror the feeling & mood he witnessed through the paintings, sculpture & contextual art " FIGURATION, The twentieth Century - How it looked and how it felt"

This square is devoted to a 'working diary' from first notes & ideas as the album begins to take shape to conclusion and release...

a unique & magical
collaboration ...
recording notes

the new sound ...
session notes


Philosophy Sound Hammill Lighthouses Keyboards Oscillators Synthesisers Time Touching Cats Quietness My thoughts Closeness Trains Drums Percussion Guitars Deep bass Aberdaron France Italy Romance Experimentation Fripp Music Flute Folk Improvisation Imagination HammondB3 Black&White Film Movies Tape Headphones Mood Jazz Tidiness Lakes Submarines Sex Gardens Scent Trees Paris Smiling Water Cricket Football Big occasions Abstracts Kissing Galleries Ale Lips Radio Monitors Beauty Exploring Hats Avocado Hair Mellotron Honey Patience Melatonin Korg Bed Late nights Cleanliness Rhodes piano Friendships Karma Passion Humility Giving Forgiving Chess Poetry Rhythm The persecuted Witches Wales Erotica Hands Thighs Effects VdGG Longing Desire Honesty The life after Progress Nan Churchill Contentment TV Spirituality Si Fi Cereal Tunnels Harbours The Alps Gliding Hang gliders Forests Alto sop sax David Jaxon Pipe organs Cathedrals The moon Night sky Grapes Red wine OP Shellfish Eurodisney Paris metro TG & Chris Carter Scott Walker Rachel Weisz Tate modern V & A Picasso Alan Davie Piper Cubism Alaska Sandra Bullock Rock music Sonja David Sinclair Alan Holdsworth Delia Derbyshire David Vorhaus History Van der Graaf Generator Pawn Hearts Yes Close to the edge Hatfield & the North Dave Stewart King Crimson Robert Fripp Focus Jan Akkerman Henry Cow In praise God Speed Skinny Matching Mole Soft Machine Brand X Caravan Pink Floyd Ummagumma Tasavalan Presidenti Moloko Tight sweater Rosin Murphy Sonja Kristina Curved Air 2 Anne Haslam Rennaissance Jean Luc Ponty BJ Harvest Jeff Buckley Grace Brian Eno David Vorhaus White Noise Can Holger Czukay Faust Amon Duul Gentle Giant The Mars Volta Bubblemath Gong Alan Holdsworth Steely Dan Aja Spocks Beard Meshell Ndegeocello Refugee Brian Davison The Enid Cat Stevens Foreigner Tangerine dream Magma Bill Bruford Family Frank Zappa Inca roads Joe Zawinal Tori Amos Gary Moore Jim Morrison Jethro Tull -Thick as a brick Joni Michelle Hissing of summer lawns Genesis Steve Hackett Carlos Santana Welcome Eberhard Weber Later that evening Jimmy Page Stan Tracey Annette Peacock Keith Jarrett Miles Davis Nitin Sawhney Jaco Pastorious Robert Wyatt Polyphonic spree Pentangle John Renbourn Fairport Convention Pat Metheny Bert Bacharach Radiohead Alicia keys John Rutter Stravinsky Rite of spring The Conversation 74 Runaway Train 85 Lord of the Rings 01 Braveheart 95 Leon 94 Alien 79 Bladerunner 82 Forbidden planet 56 2001 Space Odyssey 68 Saving private ryan 98 Picnic at hanging rock 75 Amadeus 84 All the presidents men 76 Shawshank Redemp 94 The Sting 73 Rear Window 54 The Green Mile 99 Life of Brian 79 The Cube The phone box 72 The Andromeda Strain Unforgiven 92 The is Spinal tap 84 Jaws 75 The Untouchables 87 Edge of Darkness 85 Straw dogs 71 The Ipcress file Das Boot 81 Six days of the Condor Westworld 73 The Russia House 90 Entrapment 99 Nineteen Eighty Four 84 Day the earth stood 51 Apollo 13 95 Assault on Precinct 13 76 Capricorn One 78 Carrie 76 The China Syndrome 79 Contact 97 Escape from Alcatraz 79 The Fly 86 Marathon man 76 The Fury 78 Taking of Pelham 74 Towering Inferno 74 War of the Worlds 05 Dead calm 89 Zulu 64 Soldier blue 70 Saturn 3 70 This Island Earth 55 Culpepper Cattle 72 Mississ burning A beautiful mind Das Boot

CD : sex magick

CD : engine against the almighty

CD : speak in the mysterious

CD : wild orchid


writes romantic fiction
& poetry

paints & creates abstract art

plays Korg & Nord keyboards

plays piano, rhodes, Hammond B3, and clavinet, synthesisers, flute, sax, church organ, flute, vibraphone

plays Roland drums

plays Roland 'handsonic' percussion

plays Fender strat guitar

plays Fender jazz bass

uses voice effects & sounds

uses a TC voiceworks processor, delays lines, sample & hold devices

improvises 'on-the-fly'

records "1st - take" improv's

composes to 8 & 16 track

starts each new composition
with a blank canvas

is a multi-media artist

pro masters with TC finaliser

live band is called "Abstract Senses"

is a progressive artist

creates modern jazz & dance music

is avant-garde & experimental

has composed over 300
tracks on 14 cds

all sounds are each individually created

works with Mali Soul (vocalist)

Chris Corry (keys & sax)

Huw (guitarist)

Michael (saxophones)

uses a Korg 'Electribe'

fav album is 'Pawn Hearts'
by Van der Graaf Generator

uses Lexicon & TC effects

uses Sennheiser HD600's h/phones

fav instruments are rhodes electric piano & mellotron

played piano from age 8

played drums at 14

father is a classical orchestral composer & trumpet player

uncle was a jazz drummer

favourite cites are Paris & Athens

holidays in Wales, France & Italy

describes himself as pagen (scientific. logical thinker) & spiritual (follows teachings of spirit guide, silver birch; afterlife is continuation of our spiritual progress on earth, we all get 'there' yet at different rates of progress)

mh album - inner light

mh abstract - swan

mh abstract - ocean wave
Sounds Like:
Martin Hawks at FLICKR

The combination of heart & mind is very powerful. We are taught that two worlds exist - the seen & the unseen. The seen world is the physical & the unseen is the spiritual world. Both of these worlds are necessary to discover true reality.The seen world is easiest seen by the male side. The unseen is easiest seen by the female side. The heart is the unseen & the mind is the seen. Blessed is the person who has developed the heart & the mind, truly that person has understanding of the true values.

I wonder if a flower were to live forever, would that flower remain with such beauty to our eyes? Perhaps it is in the short term nature of things that we have beauty. I'd sometimes like to convey to a stranger how beautiful they look today, yet we don't do that for fear of sounding foolish or perhaps fear of our words misconstrued. When I look at others I am disappointed that I can't know them as I know myself.Religious symbols of whatever form, magnificent cathedrals, the bible; supposedly the word of God, or the hymns and chants spoken every day across the world, these symbols however potent they may seem need not be true. It is perhaps enough that they be exist and are effective in that they provide an awareness of the power of God. These symbols may be enough to start the process of searching within us towards our spiritual development.We are obsessed with 'personality' today. It is possible that what survives is not personality but the individuality of a person. The absolute power of God may actually be an individual in whom all of us within ourselves are brought together in a single thought. Perhaps the spirit world uses different values from this world, possibly a dependence on order and harmony, our lives may acquire a value when we contribute our individuality to the realization of a larger whole.Let little things speak to you. Sounds, fragrances, music, colour, that will mean nothing to others but everything to you. Acknowledge the beauty in these things by taking time to bring back into your life that which you perhaps once knew yet now you regard as worthless for these things demonstrate no outward sign of your worth.Let simpler things reach into your soul to do the work that the obvious, the loud, the coarse, the hurtful, the greed for want of your money and time cannot touch. Simple remedies can heal the deepest ills - a smile, the contented whistle of a passer-by, the sounds of birds twittering at dusk - these things bring warmth and will open the door to new feelings and spiritual awareness if you focus on their new importance to you.But you have to listen for the voices, inner and outer, to give you rest and assurance turn away from negative talk, the bland, the unfulfilling, the disturbance to your new calm, the negative circumstances and the unnecessary in a world conditioned to make you believe happiness comes though continual acquisition.You won't always believe you have a choice - but you have more space in your life to work on the new you than you can imagine. You can no longer dismiss the power to help yourself. You have always had a significant part to play in shaping your future, more than you might imagine! Make it your decision to get down to the business of changing you!For in taking steps to improve your spiritual awareness, by thinking of others, by caring for others, including the ability to sense and feel the joy and the pain that others feel, by stepping outside yourself as an individual and embracing the greater picture of how can I help humanity today you will open yourself to help, healing and spiritual influence upon yourself from a most unlikely source!

MH anthology 1997 - 2007
Record Label: Hawks Publishing UK
Type of Label: Indie

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  SONGS FROM THE EARLY YEARS (1997-2007) hawk flying through the years tiger accross high plateau yoni rides out crazy holy grace the liberated spirit airship over paris by night marionettes to ...
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