The Toronto Wiffleball Association of Toronto profile picture

The Toronto Wiffleball Association of Toronto

Holes Do Funny Things To Balls

About Me

From Ned Hanlan through to Rick Vaive, Torontonians have been internationally revered as a municipality of athletic super-humans. Just as soon as a sport is concieved, Torontonians manage to find a way to dominate it. However, the one sport that beguiles most Torontonians is David Nelson Mullany's fiendish contraption, wiffleball. In early 2005, a posse consisting of grad students, ex-pats, layabouts, and Dutchmen decided to rise against Toronto's shameful indifference to this proud, proud sport. These people formed the Toronto Wiffleball Association of Toronto. By meeting regularly in Bickford Park (later christened Petty Place), accompanied by Tom Petty albums and Budweiser tallboys, the TWAT displays the athletic prowess that Toronto is known for.

My Interests

Wiffle and Drunk Jays Fans

I'd like to meet:

This is a call to arms for Torontonians everywhere! There is only one way to defeat all that is bad in the world, and that is through the Toronto Wiffleball Association of Toronto. Come join us at Bickford Park, and realize what it means to be a Torontonian!


Songs about Wiffle


Flicks about Wiffle


Shows about Wiffle


Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace


Tom Petty, David Nelson Mullany and every Torontonian (except of course convicted criminals and cab drivers).