My Blog
Oh stuff y'all!
As every Southerner knows it's time to get ready for that all important cooking technique of the south --- outdoor Grilling. I have found several stores (not just in the south) where you can get a FRE...
Posted by Social Drunk" on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:40:00 PST
You formatted your resume ingeniously. You bolded your name and sized it just enough so it will stand out from the masses. You've proofread, spell-checked and edited it to death. You've even included ...
Posted by Social Drunk" on Mon, 07 May 2007 08:43:00 PST
What Doctor's Say And What They Are Thinking
* "Welllllll, what have we here...?"(He has no idea and is hoping you'll give him a clue.)* "Let me check your medical history."(I want to see if you've paid your last bill before spending any more ti...
Posted by Social Drunk" on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 10:30:00 PST
One hundred and eleven ways to annoy the shit out of people
The Most Complete List Of Ways To Annoy People, Cops, Your Roommate, And More.Annoy People1. Pay tolls with $100 bills2. Leave your supermarket cart on the street or in the middle of the parking lot3....
Posted by Social Drunk" on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 07:54:00 PST
Duck, Duck.....GOOSE!!!
The rules are: Once you have been tagged you cant be re tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you chose 10 people to ...
Posted by Social Drunk" on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 09:28:00 PST
Let's make some damn cookies!
It is that time of the year when I want to make sure all my friends have my special Christmas Cookie Recipe- thus: Here is how to make my favorite Christmas cookies Christmas Cookie Ingredients: 1 cup...
Posted by Social Drunk" on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 01:49:00 PST
Let's make cake!!!
Thanks to my favorite drinking buddy Karen Walker for this gem of a recipe......
You'll need the following: 1 cup of water 1 cup of sugar 4 large brown eggs 2 cups of dried fruit 1 teaspoon of ...
Posted by Social Drunk" on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 07:34:00 PST
Jesus, Joseph and Mary...oh and the Baby Jesus too!
They're back! Church Bulletins: Thank God for church ladies with typewriters. These sentences actually appeared in church bulletins and were announced in church services: The Fasting & Prayer Conf...
Posted by Social Drunk" on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:15:00 PST
Dumb ass....
In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed through stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods.On a Sears hairdryer -- Do not use while sleeping.(That's th...
Posted by Social Drunk" on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 06:48:00 PST
Drunk Dialing
1. Only drunk dial when you are drunk. Everything else is false advertisement.2. It is okay to call someone 27 times in one night. If you don't remember it, it didn't happen.3. If you are going to dru...
Posted by Social Drunk" on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 07:46:00 PST