KWAZAR profile picture


PLEASE Sign the petition for Brandon Lee in my Movie section

About Me

Thanx for all the love and prayers sent my way after my accident - the dr's saved my leg and in my blogs I have pics of when I 1st got out of the hospital - I am very lucky to be alive with motorskills to type and function and have a "normal" life again butt I am still in pain 24/7 and it's still tough to do some simple things we all take for granted ------- I am stuck in the late 80's when hair and metal bands ruled the universeand there are lots of pics in my blog pages so click "view all blogs" to see them all including the "GOT TOYS" BLOG CUZ do to my injuries everything is for sale and see the "Phuket Thailand" blog cuz I have pics where the tsunami hit - I have been there a few times and its one of the most beautiful places in the world.
My World Visitor Map!
Countup Timers at

My Interests

I was I.A.T.S.E. and I used to film major features and TV shows for OVER 15 years butt I have filmed a lot of stupid human tricks and performance artists. I used to film a lot of bands and freaks and my clienteles famous last words - "HEY WATCH THIS" SPLAT and I do really have to respond by saying "uhuhuhuh that was kewl, butt next time can you wait till I actually turn on the camera"??? After my Harley accident - I am just trying to heal so wish me luck. This girl makes me smileshe is also giving me a "leg up" on the world again anyway she can

I'd like to meet:

I have met the woman of my dreams so I am NOT looking to "hook up" - For those who don’t know I got run over by a car on my Harley on 7/7/05 and went through IMMENSE pain and suffering along with not being able to do my job in the movie biz so I need to sell some most of my prized possessions and my loss is your gain out of my collection and see my pics to see what I have........I had the worst poker bad beat short of dying at the table cuz I went to Vegas for the World Series of Poker Main Event and almost died when I got run over in Vegas on my Harley on 7/7/05 and NO - HARRAH'S Inc. NEVER GAVE ME MY MONEY BACK or a seat in the WSOP Main Event or ANY tournament and I NEVER GOT TO PLAY A HAND so this is the hardest shit I have ever gone through .....................................This is "BOY HITS CAR" and I didnt film this but I filmed them once - read my this story as its one of 3 nights in a row during a Halloweenie Holiday What My Life Used To Be Like


Rock and Fuckin Roll - if it's too LOUD you are too OLD so buy a LOUD ASS AMP FROM HERE and as always - Bianca RIP Betty Blowtorch
and to see the film trailer go here Betty Blowtorch Movie
------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------Derek Frigo (lead G for Enuff/Znuff) and a few other bands including Texxxass Terri, Lemans, Logans Heros died 5/28/04 - go here ........
------------------------------------------------ once and awhile - everybody needs an
These flametops from the 70's are stupid rare and the Cracked Mirrored one was made by a guy who makes them for KISS and I sold to Daron in System of a DownI collect these from the 70's and a couple models from the 90's like the Green one with Stars is a J model from White Zombie - I worked on their "More Human than Human" Video and J tripped out when I told him about my Iceman collection "Kwazars Kouchtrip"and I collect these from 1985 cuz I tried to buy one then and they quit making them so all I could get was the 6 foot hangbanner 2 years later"Kwazars Korner"
I am willing to sell one of these black ones as they are super RARE DT555's - made for 1 year ONLYMAIDEN RULES ... here is an eclectic veiw (not in any particular order) of "MyInsanity" of musical tastes as it is NOWHERE NEAR all the music I love (many fantastic songs arent on the site or the files dont play) butt this is just a sample of some amazing songs where virtually all of these have special meanings to me as I learned to love them in certain times of my life. Be sure to scroll all the way down as near the bottom is like a best of certain bands I love. I know MANY trax are giving you problems or dont play but they changed the system so I cant add more songs to it and I NEVER even got to bands I love from Anthrax to ZZ-Top and many many more inbetween I was going to add.......


Moving pics on a big screen that don't have commercials in the middle - that was way tooo easy and I feel like I cheated on this question cuz I have worked on many of them and I am in some including "The Crow" Brandon Lee RIP you can read all about the behind the scenes stuff here.............
The Crow Group
the 1st movie I worked on
Here Steve Buscemi is pointing a gun @ ME - this is a BIG MISTAKE - as I was stand-in on this movie for 3 months in North Carolina and this is Bruce Willis's part in the 1st scene of this Movie but he wasnt around - I was actually in this part opening the door for Steve to pull Bruce out so they had me walk through it for him and the set photographer took the pic - sent them all off to Hollywood from NC and somehow they fucked up and put ME on the poster - later the same producers came back to town to do "The Road To Wellville" with Sir Anthony Hopkins and I showed it to them - they said "oops" LOLThis is my Twilight Zone shirt and jacket from when we shot 2 lost episodes in 1993
The Twilight Zone - click here
this is me in the burned out spaceship on Planet of the Apes 2001 where I look dead after months of 7 days a week 12-14 hours a day ME HIDING from the evil monkeys in charge LOL ahhhhh the pranksters locked me in LOLrubber monkey baby bumpers had fun toobut we kept them inline when they werent cooperating as we would string them up and swing them at people when they walked byA real good friend of mine is an AMAZING painter and he has been in lots of movies and TV shows so check him out here Metin Bereketli's Gallery.........


That is a box that has shows inside it - what did I win??? Again this cheating cuz I have worked on my of them like That 70's Show, 3rd Rock From the Sun, and 2 seasons on "Angel" (spinoff of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) this show was great - killing demons was our business and business was goodand many more................. GOT FILM??? ......


self help books as I need all the help I can get.......


Howard Stern 100 and 101 on SIRIUS Radio, Tom Leykis, and the people that book the Jerry Springer show cuz if they call you - you are fucked......

My Blog


..TR>..TR>..TR> ..TR>     OK I dont have any auctions up right now as I sold a couple guitars but if you are interesteed in anything I got - please ax me about them DO YOU LIKE GEETARS??...
Posted by KWAZAR on Fri, 30 May 2008 02:00:00 PST


Updated - 3 years and counting - there is a VERY slim chance I might have a friend fly me to Vegas and buy me in a smaller event here in 08 but the that is still a "MIGHT" so only if it happens will I...
Posted by KWAZAR on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 11:57:00 PST

Bruce and Brandon Lee's Gravesite VERY FREAKY (last 2 pics)

For those who know and dont know - I worked on and I am in the movie The Crow with Brandon Lee as it was his last movie because on this movie there was a series of TRAGIC MISTAKES happened and he was ...
Posted by KWAZAR on Tue, 01 May 2007 01:08:00 PST


I know there is no such thing as haters anymore but I was just minding my own biz on here and BLAMMO - this came to me as I have NEVER seen this profile or had contact with this nutcase before   ...
Posted by KWAZAR on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 09:36:00 PST


GOT TOYS???noooooo you sickos - not sex toys even though I got them too - just not in a display case If you look at the date of the 1st commet you will see I originally made this blog a couple years a...
Posted by KWAZAR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

a few police photos of my accident

Its gonna be awhile before I can work again in my profession so just wish for me to win the lottery cuz thats the only way I am getting out of this anytime soon. I am selling Everything that is worth ...
Posted by KWAZAR on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 10:03:00 PST

my Harleyaccident - dont open if you dont like graffic pics

There are some graphic pics here so don't say you weren't warned but they aren't too bad - they are all after my skin graft was applied but if you have a weak stomach you might wanna click off this no...
Posted by KWAZAR on Wed, 14 Sep 2005 03:59:00 PST

if I were to die tonight

its my fathers birthday today and he died a few years ago - for some reason I have been feeling very mortal lately and since I ride a Harley around LA I get many close calls all the time - I have lost...
Posted by KWAZAR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Phuket Thailand

this was dated the 28th of Dec butt now its been updated a little and I didnt go for the month of March - I am too busy trying to make shit happen Phuket Thailand got hit by a Earthquake/Tsunami an...
Posted by KWAZAR on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST