My name is Ercilia.. a.k.a Death Dealer and i used to have a wonderful life untill i realzed that my world is not I never trust anyone untill you have know them for years. I never talk to my parents about anything at all, and i never tell my friends everything that I do. They say they care about me, but I think they just want something from you. Sooner or latter in life I know I will find that one true friend. i have changed i hate life. life was never good to me. "I HATE MY WORLD, I HATE MY BODY,MY PARENTS,MY FRIENDS. I DON'T TRUST NO ONE NOT EVEN MYSELF ."http://nicegirl0687.spaces.live.com/?lc=1033_________66666 66666666_________ ______66666_________66666______ ____666_6______________6666____ ___666__666_________666___666__ _666_____6666____666666____666_ 666_______6__66666__66______666 66________66_66666__6________66 66________666____6666________66 66______6666______66666______66 66____66___66_____6____666___66 66_6666666666666666666666666_66 666_________66___6___________66 _666_________6__66_________666_ __666________6666_________666__ ____666_______666_______666____ ______66666____6_____6666______ _________6666666666666_________
What Final Fantasy Advent Children icons are for yooh? (more icons are goin to be added soon!!) by Tifa
your name ..type='text' name='your name' value='Ercilia' size='20'
favorite character
your Tifa icon is...
your Cloud icon is...
your Marlene icon is...
your Kadaaj icon is...
your Vincent icon is...
your Aeris iconis...
your Reno icon is...
your Denzel icon is...
..type='submit' value='Fill Out Your Answers and Try it!'
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Psychotic Ranting
Dr. GoQuiz.com
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From Go-Quiz.com
Your Heart is Black
What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla
Well well well, the old fashioned 17th century
vampire, one of my faves. You look for the good
things in life, you posses a lot of classical
class, and follow that of the original
vampires, you have no shame in what you are,
infact you embrace it, you love it and wouldn't
have it any other way. Your wealth is
unspeakable and your way of luring people with
your mystical ways and looks is amazing, and
most people would often call you The
What Kind Of Vampire Would You Be. font
brought to you by Quizilla
Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz.
your anthem is "echo" by incubus. you are
a hopeless romantic and will do anything to
find your one true love/soulmate.
what is your anthem?
brought to you by Quizilla
you are "the leaving song part II". you
feel alone but its partly because you let
anyone in. everytime someone tries to open up
to you you shut them out because you truly
believe no one will ever love/like you.
which song off afi's sing the sorrow are you?
brought to you by Quizilla How truly depressed am I? I feel hurt and lost inside, its not funny. I sometimes want to die sometimes and I can only see the black side of life, nothing other than that
You are a dark girl. You have a really quiet and
really a i dont' care attitude. You like to be
alone and that is what you enjoy. You
like to be around others and sometimes you'd rather be
away from here. You have a get away from me
look and others find you bitchy and
self-rigious. You'd rather read than be at a
fair but that's ok because that's who you are.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
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How evil are you?
^_^ ..