Rick profile picture


Sun like a bubble, pop, yellow down she go.

About Me

calmer than I used to be (since having a stroke, I mean), still a "perfectionist", picky about language...
- Drummer, percussionist, electronic music maker, "singer".
- music history: Blinding Headache, Information, V-Effect, Red Dark Sweet, Broken Box, Fish & Roses, Run On, Les Batteries, Timber, Sue Garner & Rick Brown...
- married to Sue (her site: http://www.suegarner.com/music_discography.htm )
- I believe that cats are not just funny/pleasant, they are admirable, the true superior beings. Our current menagerie: Duster, Easily and Frukwan (RIP Item and George)
You Know Yer Indie. Let's Sub-Categorize.
You're Avante Garde Indie. You listen to abstract music like free-jazz and Krautrock. You drink too much coffee and you scare the fuck out of the rest of us. We're afraid to call you pretentious because we know that we all just don't get it. There are few of you out there, and most of you will probably die soon.
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What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)
You're not Northern, Southern, or Western, you're just plain -American-. Your national identity is more important than your local identity, because you don't really have a local identity. You might be from the region in that map, which is defined by this kind of accent, but you could easily not be. Or maybe you just moved around a lot growing up.

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My Interests

Music, of course. I don't have as much time to listen as I wish but I'm a music lover... As a maker: Plogue Bidule, Ableton Live, Five12 Numerology (all of which are music-making programs) and acoustic things that rattle and go boom.

Labor/Union matters (I'm a member of 1199SEIU and a delegate at my workplace).

(almost) All the foods...

Progressive movements (currently thinking a lot about what's been going on in France and the evolving South American situations as in Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina...).

I'd like to meet:

yer maker.


Tim Hardin, John Martyn, Ornette Coleman, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Televison, Tortoise, Yo La Tengo, The Scene Is Now, Greg Davis, Sue Garner, The Eternals, Santana, The Minutemen, Weather Report, Captain Beefheart, Etron Fou Leloublan, Miles Davis, Henry Cowell, Alan Hovhaness, Eyvind Kang, M.I.A., Roger Hawkins, Dave Holland, Danny Thompson, Annette Peacock, Antietam


Lancelot du Lac, The Rapture, Casino, Raging Bull, The Seventh Victim


The Giant Golden Book of Mathematics (thanks Tara and cousin Butch)


Harry Partch, Nina Simone, Henry Darger, Roger Hawkins

My Blog

slice of life

I just ended my lunch hour with a brief street theatre spectacle involving one of my favorite urban nut-job types: the flyer puller/hand bill hater.  I noticed this guy first at the corner of 14t...
Posted by Rick on Tue, 02 May 2006 02:28:00 PST

musico-historical and political interest?

I've got a "personal" myspacey music identity up now ( http://www.myspace.com/rbrownout ). Currently playing a track from V-Effect's album Stop Those Songs (the first real record I was involved in, f...
Posted by Rick on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 08:28:00 PST

4/1/06 (this past Saturday)

April and her fools were elsewhere on Saturday night.  Megan Reilly's big record release party was at the Bowery Poetry Club.  First up was a performance of Sue's score for Emily Hubley's fi...
Posted by Rick on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 10:10:00 PST

inconvenient music

Mark Howell and I are playing together again (we were in Timber together with Jenny Wade). Having been asked to play an opening slot for The Scene Is Now a year aor so ago, we subsequently recorded (...
Posted by Rick on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 10:23:00 PST

Finally, a Vacation

Sue and I very seldom get away together.  Usually, these days, she goes away on tour or to visit her folks in GA.  Vacation days are piling up in my paycheck so here we go...  Sue had a...
Posted by Rick on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 12:33:00 PST

a little "action"

Hey, somebody found out I'm in here. Dylan Uprichard wrote me out of the blue!!! Been thinking about trying to go to Mexico City with Sue and Carol. Hope that works out.
Posted by Rick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST