Music, of course. I don't have as much time to listen as I wish but I'm a music lover... As a maker: Plogue Bidule, Ableton Live, Five12 Numerology (all of which are music-making programs) and acoustic things that rattle and go boom.
Labor/Union matters (I'm a member of 1199SEIU and a delegate at my workplace).
(almost) All the foods...
Progressive movements (currently thinking a lot about what's been going on in France and the evolving South American situations as in Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina...).
yer maker.
Tim Hardin, John Martyn, Ornette Coleman, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Televison, Tortoise, Yo La Tengo, The Scene Is Now, Greg Davis, Sue Garner, The Eternals, Santana, The Minutemen, Weather Report, Captain Beefheart, Etron Fou Leloublan, Miles Davis, Henry Cowell, Alan Hovhaness, Eyvind Kang, M.I.A., Roger Hawkins, Dave Holland, Danny Thompson, Annette Peacock, Antietam
Lancelot du Lac, The Rapture, Casino, Raging Bull, The Seventh Victim
The Giant Golden Book of Mathematics (thanks Tara and cousin Butch)
Harry Partch, Nina Simone, Henry Darger, Roger Hawkins