Sophie Moleta profile picture

Sophie Moleta

Love is all there is

About Me

for a few of my songs as poetry see Everylasting Song on the Other Voices website.

CD Now Available!
The new album "Every Girl I Know Deserves a Packet of Stars" with 14 new songs plus a bonus video track! See my website for info on ordering the album.

or, to listen to samples of all tracks, and to order directly from CDBaby, use the following link

and now also available from many digital download stores (including iTunes, Amazon and CDBaby). For iTunes download information, you can use this button

a December 2007 review of Every Girl in Girlistic Magazine says:
"Standing in a genre all her own, Moleta's gentle sounds are an open heart; her pure and honest words are journal-like revelations about women, girls, love, youthful spirits and memories."
Collected Sounds (Amy Lotsberg) has a review of "Every Girl" .
and selection as the Collected Sounds Artist of the Month !
One purchaser from France says ....
"I got the CD and it's a beautiful record. I think that it is, maybe, the most accessible one you ever made. So, congratulations !"
and from the USA ....
"listened to it last night and really enjoyed it. I think it is your best yet. We especially liked the Te-Atawhai song and video."
and from New Zealand ....
"Heartfelt music - superb vocals and piano - with a bonus charming video - all the songs speak from the heart"
and from the UK ....
"Simply Beautiful ... Simply Timeless. if you like listening to captivating female vocals then this album is for you. Spread the word of this mystical talent!"
and from Poland ....
"Listening to this album is like finding out that just Behind Your Wall spreads a whole infinite space of glittering stars, twinkling rivers, diving doves and other simply deep miracles ... all brought to you by Sophie and her Piano ... I just more admire the world where such music exists !"

below is a lovely video of the "Untie Me" track from the Sophie Moleta and Holmes Ives album of the same name - pause the music above, and play the video for a treat!
=== Untie Me - Sophie and Ives - Video by Jonathon Potter

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Debut album was "TRUST" - followed by a Telescopic Records release in France "Dive". Two tracks from "Dive" were included in the soundtrack to the French movie "Les Jolies Choses". Since then there have been 4 other full length albums recorded at home, 2 eps and 2 live albums and collaborations with Producer Marc Mitchell in Jersey, Electric tease in the UK, Holmes Ives in the USA, Diego Bosco in Italy/Australia and David Harenstam in Sweden One dance single "Love Has Come Again" with "Human Movement- Marc Mitchell" has been included on more than 25 dance compilation albums.

Two recent albums were the 2004 Swedish CD "What Happened in Fremantle?" with David Harenstam, and the 2005 USA CD "Untie Me" with Holmes Ives. 2006 saw the release of the single and dvd of "Te-Atawhai".

And recently available is a digital only release of the "Awaken" track from the 2005 album "Untie Me" with nine mixes and remixes of that track! Check your favourite digital download store for purchase (search on "sophie & ives" if you can't find it by searching on "moleta") For more details check my website or the website.

MY PREVIOUS FULL LENGTH ALBUMS ARE PRESENTLY ONLY AVAILABLE on CD by post. The 2007 "Every Girl" album is available on CDBaby and on iTunes and other digital download services.

See my website for more details.

below are slide shows of my photos and my CD albums.

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My Interests


Member Since: 4/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Sophie Moleta vocals, piano/keys,dx7 and other instruments, in collaboration with musicians and producers.The new album features Lindsay Vickery on saxaphone, Monwa and Nic Hartley on raps and beats, Grace on Backing vox, Dance remixes feature Marc Mitchell, Holmes Ives, Luca Francini, Jazzy colabs with -David Harenstam, and other friends, Diego Bosco, Melanie Robinson, Sharon Lewis
Influences:Unchanging Truth
Sounds Like:

unique - with many styles - folk-pop, electronic ambient, laid back jazz, and some dance tracks

some reviews have said:

about dance track "Love Has Come Again" - features the almost whispered overtones of classical singer Sophie Moleta, and her exquisite voice...

about the laid back cover of "Buckets of Rain" - Moleta has a low-key, moody style .. beautiful voice and slow, haunting delivery.

about "Untie Me" tracks - Sublime - purely simply gorgeous - exquisite vocals - nothing but aural beauty awaiting you.

Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

doggy wisdom

  Spending some time with Tiger ridgeback cross something big and muscly and hannah not sure of her breed  ...tiger hasnt left my side since i arrived.... i read this somewhere the oth...
Posted by Sophie Moleta on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 06:01:00 PST


CREATIVITYCreativity is not efficient. She has a different relationship to time than most of us.A minute can last a day and a day can last an hour.She loves all the seasons. She is on intimate terms w...
Posted by Sophie Moleta on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 09:14:00 PST

Ben Orki: To an English Friend in South Africa

To and english friend in South AfricaBe grateful for the freedom to see other dreams. Bless your lonliness as much as you drank of your former companionships, all that you are expeeriencing now will b...
Posted by Sophie Moleta on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 06:33:00 PST