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Hussein X

I don't believe in Evil I just believe in Me.

About Me

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My Interests


I'd like to meet:

..My friends and associates at the places I happen to go, everyone at once, meet has two meanings: introduction to a person (something I'm not that into) and meeting up with someone to be in the same place. This latter meaning of meet is more my style. If I met you I'd want us to already be underway in doing something, preferably an activity because I don't care who I meet at a job.


Electric Six, Manowar, Noway, Dirty Diamond, The Jesus Lizard, Saul Williams, Nine Inch Nails, Peaches, M.I.A., Rival Gangs, The White Mice


Blue Velvet, Apocolypse Now, Natural Born Killers, House of 1,000 Corpses, Freeway. And of course, the one loosely based on a summer I had two three years ago:


Wrestling, [adult swim], Daily Show, Colbert Report, news on all stations, 30 Rock, Deadwood, The Simpsons, Lost, Heroes, Batman, The Golden Girls, M*A*S*H*, Sanford and Son, Law and Order but it gets old eventually, Scrubs if I fucking have to, I can't really stand Friends, I hate the shit out of Just the 10 of Us, 2 and a half Men I will watch, this is silly....


No I am mostly illiterate. I think that word should apply to not only being incapable to appreciate to a particular degree written text by looking at it, but also being familiar and having read many significant texts. So when I say I am illiterate I mainly mean this latter definition that I myself have invented. Right now I am looking at Gramasci, Paulo Virno's Grammer of the Multitude, I just read Antonio Vattimo's Empancipation and Nihilism and am turning to his publication with John Caputo After the Death of God, Synchronicity by Carl Jung, many works by Simone Weil, Profanations by Giorgio Agamben, Paul Ricouer's essay on Evil, Alfred Shutz's The Structure of the Life World Vol. 1, and recently worked through passages of Agamben's Language and Death: The place of negativity.


R.D. Laing, The Joker, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Terrell Owens, Manowar, Paris Hilton, King Booker, Melina, Finley.

My Blog

By any means necessary

    apophatic means without ends in-itselfipseity was given but being self-given was not given by itself dismantle trinity because all bad things come in threes when the fourth comes yo...
Posted by Hussein X on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:19:00 PST

By any means necessary

    apophatic means without ends in-itselfipseity was given but being self-given was not given by itself dismantle trinity because all bad things come in threes when the fourth comes yo...
Posted by Hussein X on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 11:20:00 PST

Headbanging last night

CB was born on a day in late April and last night we observed his birthday with festivities during the weekend. At approximately 9:30 I arrived and we enjoyed cocktails of vodka and coffee. Pig was ea...
Posted by Hussein X on Mon, 05 May 2008 04:03:00 PST

Sorry about time

Yeah, I haven’t read no blog and ain’t been feeling no inspiration to right no goddamn blog. Fuck a bunch of that. Shit as shit. Motherfucker. Damn. Good Shit. Great blog. Real winner. See...
Posted by Hussein X on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 12:47:00 PST

The Perfect Game

This has been the perfect weekend. Fridy felt like a return to form for Denton. Rival Gang brought everyone together to mosh their brains out. Violent revelrie at H.O.T. produced a good size late nigh...
Posted by Hussein X on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 11:57:00 PST


I return to the world on Sunday. That will be exciting. Need to exercise. Probably going to relapse pretty good but you know, I've learned a lot during all my adventures and I bet this crafty veteran ...
Posted by Hussein X on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 07:31:00 PST

Filled With Hate

Oh man I hate everything and I hate so much. I really have a schaden freude right now and a desire to drink as early as possible as if to say, "fuck all your conventions."  I really don't think ...
Posted by Hussein X on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 09:33:00 PST

I am the nourishment of lesser lifeforms - fuzzy hemorages

The more something resembles ourselves the more the replica's incompletness appears. This is why there is a faint alien strangeness to manequins and a subtle unnatural glisten to plastic versions of h...
Posted by Hussein X on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 03:57:00 PST

Whoa Nelly

For one the pictures have to go up. Themes are dumb, but I like Green Man. Today I thought I would point to the war as more concentric than the environment, relating its comming familiarity to be a fu...
Posted by Hussein X on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 10:48:00 PST

A Blog About My Top 40 Myspace Friends

I haven't changed Myspace (remember I have made the convention that the singularly possessive reference to myspace need not be redundant i.e. my myspace is simply myspace) profile in a while. Yesterda...
Posted by Hussein X on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 05:03:00 PST