Blackjackal profile picture


Giving humans what they deserve.

About Me

Artist; magician; philosopher; elitist; misanthrope; cultural terrorist.

Along with your friend request, please extend the courtesy of a brief introductory message about yourself explaining why you would like to connect with me on MySpace and potentially associate in the real world.

I am a born (XIX Anno Satanas) and avowed Satanist (if you are unfamiliar with the doctrine, do not ask me about it; do your research), a scholar and practitioner of the Black Arts. My ancestry is primarily of direct Dutch and German blood; my father's family moved to the United States from the Netherlands when he was 8 years of age, and my mother's family was from Germany. I am a natural-born skeptic and philosopher who learned the art of persistent questioning early on. "Know thyself" is an aphorism I take very seriously and live by as a paramount virtue, for to understand oneself is to understand others. My general outlook and approach to life formed of growing up in an atheistic intellectual family, but otherwise among a majority of unsophisticated and usually irresponsible morons, which has given me a general contempt for society and harsh views on many social issues. By all means I am indeed a polemicist and radical in my thinking, and the resentment fostered in others by my opinions is typically of little or no concern to me. As a highly private, insular and fiercely individualistic personality, I am generally disinterested in if not disgusted by mainstream media culture and essentially fed up with politics and the utter fiasco of American "democracy."

I decry socialism in its pure form and outright reject egalitarianism, which I regard as a mass delusion and practical fallacy that stifles providence. I have little patience or sympathy for those who do not exalt a rational mind, exercise good judgment and exhibit strength of character in effort to take responsibility for their own actions and lives. Do not be mistaken; I have a very positive outlook on life, but a grim outlook on society and the complacent masses. I am extremely cynical, self-centered and thus very selective with whom I regularly associate. There are plenty of sheep out there, oblivious and content to be programmed into leading dull, insignificant lives with whom I will not waste my time.

My interests are broad, though dark art, music, black magic, the occult and esoteric form the cornerstones of my pursuits. I am very reclusive, anti-social and extremely goal-oriented; bars, clubs and other places of social gathering and activity I typically avoid. I shun most aspects of popular culture with its degradative effects on the zeitgeist of the modern world, embrace the darker side of life and work aggressively in my own subjective universe to stick out from the herd and rise above the masses through my superior faculties of intellect and creativity. My down time is spent reading and fulfilling my creative visions in various forms, among other solitary endeavors. I am emphatically NOT here for casual chat, small talk or anything amounting to the sloppy rhetoric of colloquial conversation, therefore I respond to messages and comments quite sparingly; most human interaction I prefer as eloquent, meaningful discourse, serious association or purposeful collaboration.

My unique, eccentric personality and dry, goofy, over-the-top sense of humor does not reflect my appearance and as I've found, has attracted a rather odd and unlikely variety of people over time, which has been unsettling at some times and flattering at others. Whilst some feel they can predict my choices and directions, those closest to me know that I have equally unpredictable contradictions and surprises.

I am currently in the process of preparing dark ritualistic industrial ambient sound and noise projects, and working on or planning various drawings for my future online art gallery. Subscribe to my blog and check back soon for updates.

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4Myspace Contact Tables

My Interests

Satanism & the Church of Satan, black magic, occult & esoteric knowledge, dark, grotesque, macabre & Satanic art, aesthetics of death, apocalypse culture, aesthetic/cultural terrorism, surrealism, sound engineering, psychoacoustics, total environments, conspiracy theories, freaks, demons & elementals, monsters, misfits & outcasts, Vampirism, Lycanthropy, special FX, Goetia, J-horror, antiquarian books, guns & firearms, swords, knives & daggers, torture tactics & devices, photography, cinematography, scenography, digital design, extremism, WWII, Nazi symbolism, Fascism, the Third Reich, occult fascism, propaganda, the black sun, secret societies & cults, anti-hero figures, black leather clothing, manskirts, European culture & history, ancient Egypt, Sumeria, Greece and Rome, the Holocaust, taboo practices, religion, sex, fetishism, bodily modification, anatomy, pathology, entomology, dogs, cats (which, unfortunately, I am allergic to) birds and exotic pets, controversy, asylums, morgues, crypts, catacombs, ossuaries, abandoned & broken down factories, warehouses and underground facilities, serial killers, autopsies & dissections, abortions, plastic surgery, antique and modern medical instruments, x-rays, prosthetics, theatrical contact lenses, cloning, plastination, teratology, eugenics, medical oddities and preserved specimens, shrunken heads, antiques, taxidermy, metaphysics, death's head moths, the cenobites, autopsy babies, hard alcohol drink mixing, science of communication, old English, linguistics and foreign languages, etymology, cathedrals and high gothic architecture, computers, robotics, transhumansim, oriental and exotic foods & delicacies, philosophy, black humor, dark, cold, mystical, magical and hellish environments, relativity, nanotechnology, astronomy, quantum mechanics, etc.

I'd like to meet:

Citizens of the Infernal Empire: magicians, sorcerers, witches, artists & musicians with talent and conviction, aesthetic/cultural terrorists, scapegoats, geniuses, thinkers and intellectuals.

No mundanes, philistines, dullards, quasi-simians, or pathetic, uninteresting drones. Intelligent, interesting and responsible individuals with ambitions of their own and with whom I'll share similarities; true eccentrics, mavericks and outsiders; people who "shine" when they speak, think outside of convention, ahead of their time, who embrace the outre and welcome the unorthodox. I am not a "people person." I appreciate those whose lives and pursuits actually bear relevance and value to my personal paradigm and lifestyle.

If you do not fit the criteria delineated above reasonably well, beware that I will probably ignore and delete your messages and decline your friend requests. Send me some casual message requesting chat or small talk and you will be ignored.

DO NOT request to be added if:

* You have any hostile sentiments toward Satanism or the Church of Satan.

* You affiliate with any pseudo-Satanic organizations erroneously claiming to be the Church of Satan. If you make it to my list and I find such on yours afterward, you will be immediately deleted.

* You are a Christian, Muslim or a proponent of any other right-hand path or "white light" religion. This should be obvious; there are few things I detest more in this world than zealots and followers of mindless theistic dogma.

* You are some immature "gothic" adolescent who butchers the English language with sloppy rhetoric and a deficient vocabulary of four-letter words and internet abbreviations with nothing to share but your boredom, daily dramas and frivolous trivialities. I have no patience for such juvenile garbage.

* You are under the age of 18, to whom the immediate above probably applies. Come back when you've matured (and educated that vacant skull).

NOTE to bands: I am not interested in holding "friendships" with bands whose sound/aesthetic I don't care for, especially if you reside on the other side of the planet. There are countless mediocre projects underway that love to pass themselves off as "artists" without a shred of genuine talent. I don't listen to much metal, rock or other mainstream music and I am quite selective with my tastes, so do not be surprised if I deny your requests.


Most of what I listen to and enjoy is classical, romantic, baroque, dark contemporary classical/orchestral, film score, Gregorian chants, gothic horror, atmospheric, ritualistic, industrial dark ambient soundscapes, noise and power electronics.

Ludwig Van Beethoven, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonio Vivaldi, George Frederick Handel, Tchaikovsky, Domenico Scarlatti, Richard Wagner, Modest Mussorgsky, Gustav Holst, Richard Strauss

The Red King, Sore in the Masterpiece, Arcana, Chaostar, Lustmord, Ah Cama-Sotz, Raison D'Etre, Midnight Syndicate, Nox Arcana, Delerium, LeRue Delashay, György Ligeti, Klaus Schulze, Graeme Revell, Ulf Söderberg, Sopor Aeternus, Pantheon Legio Musica, In Slaughter Natives, Funeral Dusk, Deutsch Nepal, Desiderii Marginis, Svartsinn, Atom InfantIncubator, Juno Reactor, Herbst9/Land Fire, Atomine Elektrine, Kammarheit, Download, Necrofascist, Spectre, Shrine, False Mirror, Nagual Art, Stem Cell Research Project, Aesthetic Meat Front, Inade, Atrium Carceri, Troum, Caul, Zoar, B.E.F., Coil, CTI, System 7, Cluster Balm, Polygon, Nnoiz, Ramp, Dark Muse, Legion, Bestia Centauri, Fjernlys, Necrophorus, Camanecroszcope, Phallus Dei, Cisfinitum, Bad Sector, Phelios, Nightmare Lodge, Necropolis...

...and a host of other ambient artists including Steve Roach, Michael Stearns, Stargarden, Mike Van Portfleet, Sheltered Shadow, Max Corbacho, Cliff Martinez, Jo Bogaert, Sean Washburn,Digital Samsara, Namook VI, Dilate, Deep Chill Network, Sleep Research Facility, Biosphere, Stephen Parsick, Einstürzende Neubauten, etc.

I enjoy some VERY select rock and metal, but by and large I avoid it along with most other popularized and commercialized music.


Fantasia, The Neverending Story, The Dark Crystal, Indiana Jones, Dracula, The Adams Family, Nosferatu, Eraserhead, Schindler's List, The Exorcist, The Cell, Saw (all of them), Fear Dot Com, Hostel, The Hills Have Eyes (I & II), Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Silent Hill, Hellraiser, Braindead (Dead Alive), The Grudge, The Ring, Zoetrope, Rubber Johnny, Pretty Toy, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Matrix trilogy, Blade & Blade II, Sin City, 300, Resident Evil, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Gladiator, Sleepy Hollow, Freddy vs. Jason, Underworld (both), Saving Private Ryan, Ace Ventura, Dawn of the Dead and many others.

I hold a special interest in experimental short films; this one in particular I've always prized for its dark psychological effects and subliminal messages. Click the title to read more.

Seven Days


Most TV is a waste of time even for leisure, so I watch occasional news, educational programs or comedy/cartoons (yes, I am still amused by some of those) such as adult swim now and then.


It is impossible to stress enough the importance of reading. My family owns a good, solid library comprised of the classics, history, biographies, medical books, novels, etc. I read regularly and seek virtually everything listed in my above interests: Satanism, occult & esoterica, philosophy, magick, Fascism & the Third Reich, history, military, science, and fiction/novels to name but a few categories.


Myself, first and foremost. Those whom I admire, hold in high personal regard and whose endeavors, interests and philosophies I feel personally aligned with, take after and learn from. I don't hold any "idols."

My Blog


For those waiting patiently in anticipation of my website's launch, I am providing a sample of my most recently completed work, a practice piece if you will. Behold:..Much more is there to come!Lex Ta...
Posted by Blackjackal on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 06:21:00 PST