Eric_B profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

MySpace Layouts Myspace Layoutsblah blah blah, married to Kim, blah blah blah, social worker, blah blah blah, nice guy, blah blah blah, balloon knot.

My Interests

Like most my interest depends on the mood of the day. I like reading, weightlifting and sports. I grew up in front of the TV so that is one of my favorite places. i also love acting and currently taking acting classes. I've also been in several inde films. i consider myself a spiritual person with alot of room for improvement.

I'd like to meet:

I love comedy so the actors and writers of comedy shows would be cool to meet. Will Ferrell is genius and would be cool to hang with. Also a huge Howard Stern fan so anyone in that group ...


I enjoy all types of music from the latest pop to some classic vinyl. i really love the 80's stuff. Adam Ant, Squeeze and Pat Benetar. My girl even has me listening to some country, which is pretty rough b/c I'm half black(the bottom half, wink).


Risky Business, Super Bad, Ferris Bueller and any Kevin Smith.


This season I'm into Reaper, 30 Rock and Weeds. I also like the BBC show Coupling


i really like stuff from Dean Koontz. Jenna Jamison's book was pretty good and I got the bathroom book for x-mas. It has a ton of little know facts


My mom she raised four kids on practicaly nothing. i didn't know we were poor until i saw how other people lived.