Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?
Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?
Dance, Music, India, Spirituality, Hiking, Gardening, Playing Guitar, Playing with my Kiddo, Teaching, Singing, Reading, Yoga, Meditating, Mythos, Sacred Geometry.... Ok, so I could have written that all in a more "interest"ing way, but I was feeling lazy and kind of lame about the whole "describing myself thing" and how long it takes, and how ego-obsessive it sort of seems... I guess these things are all my "hobbies". I actually had "taking showers" on the list, too but deleted it, thinking of all the parched people in Ethiopia who would love to take showers and baths anytime they feel like it, which I for some reason seem to do more than once a day quite often. But all of those are external... What am I interested in? I am INTERESTED in witnessing how freaking bizarre this whole life thing is and how myself and others cope with one scenario after another of poetically humorous tragic dram-edy. I am INTERESTED in Truth and Love.
The True Self.
Mizilca with Transformational Belly Dancing from accem scott on Vimeo .
I especially love singer-songwriter folk-music singing divas like: Joni Mitchell, Kate Wolf, Libby Kirkpatrick, Mary McCaslin, Tania Alexandra, Beth Orton, Sasha Butterfly... I know you're thinking "hippie chic" again, but I'm way too complex for a label like that. See, I've NEVER even been to a Phish show (don't even care too much for their tunes) and as I mentioned before, I love to bathe, and I also do not smoke pot. OK, when I was younger I was very dank and dreddy... But I was many things, I will be many things, and I Am infinite possibilities at all times. I also listen to a lot of Middle-Eastern music and appreciate it's deep moods and sophistication. Among these, my favorites are Omar Farouk Tekbelik, Turku, Free PLanet Radio, Oruc Guvenc, Thoth, Solace, Soora Gameela, Bustan Abraham (sp?), and all the fabuloso musicians I get to work with here in Asheville! Then there are other favorites who manage to squirm out of easy classification... Chris Jamison, Jeffery Hyde Thompson, Updraft, Dead Can Dance, Vas, Sheila Chandra, Krishna Das, Peter Gabriel, Led Zeppelin, Paul Simon, Sweet Honey in the Rock, old P-Funk, Strut, Prem, the Motet, Oliver Mutikudzi (sp?) and Kermit the Frog.
My all time favorites are "Wings of Desire", "Sound of Music", "The (original) Muppet Movie", "The Dark Crystal", "Kayanasqachi", "Airplane", "Naked Gun" and "Rocky Horror Picture Show", "Benny & Joon", "The Incredibles".
... is my idea of an in-house arrest, moderate form of torture.
I LOVE BOOKS!!! My favorite reads are: The Bhagavad Gita~ Sri Krishna via the sage Vyasa and translate and interpreted by numerous others, The Moon Under Her Feet~ Calista Kinsler, The Red Tent~ Anita Diamant, Inanna~ Dianna Wolkstein, Mists of Avalon~ Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Subject Tonight is Love; Poems by Hafiz~ (I forget who translated, maybe Daniel Ladinsky?), Essential Rumi~ Coleman Barks, Autobiography of a Yogi~ Paramahansa Yogananda, "The Alchemist"~ Paulo Cuelho, "One Hundred Years of Solitude"~ GAbriel Garcia MArtez, "Their Eyes Were Watching God"~ Zora Neale Hurston, "The Secret Life of Bees"~ Sue Monk Kidd, "The Little Prince"~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "The Happy Prince and Other Tales"~ Oscar Wilde, "Jonathon Livingston Seagull" and "Illusions"~ Richard Bach, "The Beginner's Guide to Creating the Universe"~ Michael Schneider... and pretty much anything and everything by Herman Hesse, Joseph Campbell, Marija Gimbutas, Patricia Monaghan, J.K. Rowling, Gary Larson or Richard P. Feyneman.
Brahma, Ammachi, Tenzin Gyatso (His Holiness, the Dalai Lama), Sri Krishna, Tara, Mother Teresa, Julia Butterfly Hill, Mahatma Gandhi, Mirabai, Cobi Harris, Ruth St. Dennis, Dahlia Carella, Christine Hamer, Georgia O'Keefe, Frida Kahlo, Marija Gimbutas, Patricia Monaghan, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, Paramahansa Yoganada, Jim Henson... and all my good friends who bless me with their love and support in so many ways!