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Welcome to Essexparanormal

About Me

Essex Paranormal are a team of non profit making Paranormal investigators who investigate all over the UK. The group was put together by founding members Paul Robins and Laura McPhilimey, who started life with Ghosts Uk [they are still members there also], learning their stuff on investigations and gaining experience with a very good and well known group. They have put together a core team of people, who are establishing a good rapour and working relationship which is very important for investigative purposes as you need to be able to trust the people you are with. This team go on the majority of investigations, but we do also cater for the members of E.P. too, by running investigations that they can come on, by prior bookings. Our aims are to prove that ghosts/spirits do exist and hope to do this using scientific studies and equipment. We have a wide range of equipment that we use for this. We always welcome new members to the site sceptics and believers alike, and like to see them taking an active part in the forum. You can find lots more information about us on our site.
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My Interests

Paranormal Research

Laura [Founder] Laura runs and looks after the website, looks after the core team and members on investigations, books and runs the investigations. A very busy girl! Laura is very experienced in Paranormal investigating,having been all over the country with Ghosts UK and now EP, including spending 6 months at Maes Artro.

Paul [Founder] Paul is our technical wizard, looking after and understanding all the equipment and how it works, setting up experiments on investigations, some orthodox, some not so. Paul is open minded and has a knowledge of science [our rational man on invests] Like Laura, Paul is very experienced and has been all over the country on investigations, including Maes Artro also.

Kev [Core Team]Kev deals with the metaphysical side of things, dowsing [you should see his rods!] table tipping and divination. Kev joined the group after a charity event for firefighters at Coalhouse Fort, hosted by EP. He was hooked as we all get, went on more invests and worked up to Core Team.

Jo [Core Team] Jo is our Historical and Location researcher,our fountain of knowledge. Jo has published a book 'Criminal Women in early 17th Century Hertfordshire.' She has passed the BITC in Anomalous phenomena and is very interested in Cryptozoology.

John [Me] I run this myspace page and am Forum Moderator, on our home page [so behave! lol] I have been going on investigations for acouple of years now, totally hooked, gaining experience each time, my camcorder is my trusty tool of trade.


Scenes from our fave programme, SUPERNATURAL put to the Music of Miranda Lambert -Kerosene

My Blog

Coalhouse Fort

Saturday 10th March saw E P returning to Coalhouse Fort for the first time in about 2 years.  It was my first experience of the Fort, a very interesting place. Simon, Ellie and Matt and the rest ...
Posted by Essexparanormal on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 07:43:00 PST

Coalhouse Fort Paranormal Investigation

We have booked an investigation at the Coalhouse forts in Tilbury,Essex.We have investigated this location many times before and had some very good nights hereThe cost for the night is £35 with a £10 ...
Posted by Essexparanormal on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 06:53:00 PST


Welcome To the newly rejuvenated Essexparanormal myspace page. There will be info and pics, hopefully in time some video too, all about our group and the paranormal investigations we go on. There...
Posted by Essexparanormal on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 10:51:00 PST