Music, taichi, biking, blading, camping, dancing, religion, spirituality, hockey...
Like minded humans who want to git funkay before they die.
I only listen to good music. oh FINE..Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Beethoven, Mozart, Holst, Tori Amos, Roni Size, Goldie, Tito Puente, Hossam Ramzy, Peter Gabriel, the rest of Genesis and sometimes Phil Collins but only with Genesis, Led FUCKING ZEPPELIN and of course Bonzo, The Afro Nubians, Fugees, Wyclef, L Boogie, all good old skool Hip Hop like Run DMC, Whodini, Grandmaster Melle Mel and The Furious Five,Afrikaa Bambataa, William Shatner,
Superman, Clockwork Orange (fuck, EVERYBODY PUTS THAT) or anything else by Stanely Kubrick except that piece of garb with Tom Cruise, Time Bandits and anything else by Terry Gilliam, The Iron Giant, Werner Herzog, Apocalypse Now, Star Wars IV, Empire Strikes Back, Return Of The Jedi, The Last Twenty Minutes of Phantom Menace, Attack Of The Clones Except For Supra Lame Love Scenes, Most Of Revenge Of The Sith, The Matrix (so good not even Keanu Reeves could ruin it),
Monty Python's Flying Circus, Family Guy, Simpsons of course, Arrested Development, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Hockey Night In Canada, South Park, Trailer Park Boys, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Muppet Show, TVO, but I only rent shows on DVD cause I don't have cable. Cable is for chumps.
By author..Mark Twain, Robert Graves, Gore Vidal, Joseph Heller, Salman Rushdie,Umberto Eco, Ghandi, the immortal Kurt Vonnegut, Charles Shulz,The Bible, The Koran, Tae Te Ching, The Tao of Pooh, The Te Of Piglet, No Direction Home (Bob Dylan), Beatles Song Book, How To Win Friends And Influence People (I know it sounds dumb but check it out)...The War Of Art.any creative person in the world should read that, A Million Little Piles Of Bullshit-I mean A Million Little Pieces (hey, it's a good read anyway)
(in no particular order) Bruce Lee, Lao Tzu, Bhudda, Ghandi, Jesus, Michael Moore, Muhammed Ali, Maurice Richard, my parents, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, Jean Chretian (he said NO to Iraq), Bill Clinton cause he's cool, Noam Chomsky, That Cute Little Girl With The Pigtails Who Campaigns Against Poverty, Stephen J Hawking, Einstein, but only the early 50's Einstein, not the Bloated-Rhinestone-Suit-Wearing-Comeback Special-Drug-Taking-Dead-On-The- Toilet-Seat-Einstein, ..