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Time For Change


About Me


This site is dedicated to information and change. The information contained on this site will have opinion mixed in. It is not going to be unbiased, so be warned. Nothing knowingy false will be posted.
The world is at a crossroads. Disease, famine, poverty, terrorism, genocide, war, environmental damage, discrimination... the list goes on and on. There are so many terrible things in the world. The good news is... together we can fight for change. The power of good people fighting for change can overpower evil anytime, everytime.
If you are willing to help, or just looking for information, take a look around. There is plenty to go around.
The key to success is that we must work together, and we must focus where we feel strongest. Do not try to solve all the world's ills. Pick the one or two nearest to your heart and run with it.
Good luck to all.
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Click Here to sign the petition

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My Interests

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Voter turn-out in the past three elections was near or below 30%. This means that the majority is not being heard. Our nation is founded on the belief that the majority rules. If the majority does not vote, the minority rules. Make your voice heard. VOTE!


This is a video showing the absurdity of our nuclear weapons program. Visit truemajority.org for more information.

This little diddy shows the absolute stupidity in charge of our government... where the heck is all this money going? Please... I'm a reasonable person... explain it to me.

I'd like to meet:

Those willing to stand up and be heard. Despite your politics, religon, ethnicity, or any other made up seperations of the human race.

World leaders. Government officials. Those who hold the postions of power we have granted to them.

.."425" height="350"Our globe is in trouble. As you can see from the rest of the page, most of the trouble is self-induced. Where does the line ultimately get drawn? With the enivronment. If we continue to destroy the only world we have, we will have no reason to solve the other problems with the world.

Recycle, reduce, reuse. Buy recycled products. They are everywhere, and are just as good, and roughly the same price.

Would you prefer a serious, but somewhat comical video to help you out? Everyone sing along...

Click Here to join the march!



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The genocide in Darfur must stop. Watch this video, become informed. Voice your opinion.

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This site, and its creator, will gladly stand up and honor our troops. They serve so the rest of us can sleep in peace every night. So we can be free. They serve so we don't have to. To defend our rights.

What this site will also gladly stand up and say is that all war is wrong, and evil. There is no justification for war. None. Ever. I understand self-defense. However, it must be done with a plan. Otherwise we get locked into a war with no way out. We fail to learn our history, and we continue to repeat it. Ask yourself this question. Am I willing to leave my life on the battlefield to fight this war. If not... shut up. If yes, then we can talk. I cannot imagine making a decision to send other HUMAN BEINGS to their death if I am not willing to march with them.


This site is not intended to be an anti-Bush site. However, who can argue that he lied to us? He told us Iraq had WMD. He told us they had mobile chemical weapons labs. He told us they had nuclear capabilities. They had none of these things. Hundreds of thousands have died. He lied. Where is the outrage? MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!


Anyone who stands up for what they believe in.

The men and women who serve this country. The US Military.