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...all my heroes...and you(unless you suck)
from TOOL to 10000 maniacs
fear and loathing in las vegas...where the buffalo roam...O.C. and stiggs...the godfather1&2...scarface...young frankenstein...blazing secret...half-baked...devils floyds the wall...the song remains the same...the decline of western civilization1,2& driver...alien1&2...spun...40 year old virgin...strangers with candy...all the naked gun movies...all the pink panther movies...all the monty python movies...all the cheech&chong movies...all the scary movies...the family guy movie...Fahrenheit 9/ inconvenient truth...jackass1&2...borat
daily show...colbert report...real time with bill guy...american dad...king of the hill...king of queens...the soup...30rock...[adultswim]...rescue me...the shield...deadwood...the ali g show...arrested development...lucky louie...the wire...weeds...dexter...brotherhood...sopranos...reno 911...south park...freakshow...drawn together...the office...the minor accomplishments of jackie woodman...wondershowzen...SNL...mad t.v....high stakes poker...antiques road show...anything on discovery science or history channels...and of course spongebob squarepants
U.S. V. Bush by Elizabeth De La Amy and David Goodman...state of denial by Bob Woodward...the greatest story ever SOLD by Frank Rich...and i strongly recommend anything by or about my heroes
my father...miss you dad