I am a very independent person.I have raised my two sons and now im looking for the final and perfected me. I love people and love to have lots of friends. I cut hair for almost 20 years. Now im looking into a career change. So my tastes and interests are changing. I"m ready for my own life with faith, peace, and grace.
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Sun Sign: Scorpio
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Moon Sign: Sagittarius
Moon 7° Sagittarius 31' Sagittarius Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Leo
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I'd like to meet interesting people. Some one who can be real and honest and open. Someone who is not afraid to live and let live. Lets be honest here and say, No I dont want internet sex buddys or someone to take me away from it all. I'm here to have fun and meet people for no other reason than to know me.I like people of all walks of life. Some times being yourself is unique. That a beautiful thing!
I love music that moves me. The ones who show there passion of life and emotions. Some would be surprized at what I listen to, but it all good if you feel it! Classic Rock, Rock and Roll,Alterative Rock, some Rap,even Shock Rockers
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I love to just sit down and escape from life and the many random thoughts that go through my head and really watch a good movie. Its one of my favorite things to do. Finding Nemo, Crash, The Money Pit, Lord of the Rings,What Dreams may come, Chroncles of Narnia, Saw, Silence of the Lambs, Green Mile American Beauty, Labyrinth
I realy dont have the patience to watch tv. I'd rather vist and hang out with my favorite people. Go out and check out a new spot or town. I love nature and feel more at peace when i'm in it
I love the Lord of the Rings, The Stand, Needful Things, Thats about all I could sit still long enough to read!
My Dad & Sister and my sons. All those who help make this a better place to live in.
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