Putting health first:
VOLCANO vaporizing technology: The VOLCANO System Vaporizer releases flavors and active ingredients from herbs through vaporization by hot air. Optimum treatment of the active ingredients reduces the development of harmful substances and odours to a minimum. This means that even non-smokers find the vaporizer enjoyable. A further advantage of the VOLCANO is the exploitation of active ingredients, being 3-4 TIMES GREATER WHEN COMPARED WITH SMOKING, an aspect which makes the investment in the device pay for itself in the shortest time possible. The unique patented VOLCANO System technology conveys air enriched with flavors and active ingredients into a balloon through a valve. The generated vapors will be completely collected in the balloon. After the filling the valve balloon it can be completely detached and separated from the device. The content may be inhaled at ease, independently from the vaporization process both comfortably and safely.
The VOLCANO has already gained a reputation among experts as the most technically advanced and professional vaporizer available. The accurate air temperature control sets new standards for vaporizers in precision and reliability. Stringent selection of material, impeccable processing and practical in its form, the VOLCANO combines simplicity of use, a high degree of safety and particularly good efficiency. Reliable technology: "Designed and made in Germany" for the highest-grade quality and a long life.
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