Formed in late Summer of 2001, Dreamscapes Of The Perverse has established themselves as one of the top acts in Symphonic/Epic Heavy Metal to be found anywhere. Through their epic compositions fused with dark lyrics, and the capability to flawlessly perform their art, the band continues to impress fans and critics alike.
Upon release the EP "The Rise Of Self" in 2003 (self recorded and produced), Dreamscapes Of The Perverse immediately began work on both their next album (the critically acclaimed first full-length CD "Gignesthai") and finding label support for said album. While a few line-up changes significantly changed the face of the band, the writing remained consistent in its disregard for standard trappings and unsaid requirements of a band in the genre.
Gignesthai was released to critical acclaim in the Spring of 2005 through Tribunal Records. While minor involvement of Volume 11 studios must be cited (drum recording), all other recording, production, and editing was handled by the band themselves. Mastered by Studio B, Gignesthai met rave reviews from major magazines, websites, and independant reviewers.
Having amassed a worldwide audience shortly after the release, Dreamscapes Of The Perverse opted to continue to write and experiment, rather than seek tour support. Currently, the band is focused on their upcoming release, one that is shaping up to show just how much more the band has learned and how much further the band is willing to go with their craft. Information regarding said release will be shared soon.
Until then, remain vigilant.