Ted profile picture


what day is it, and in what month, this clock never seemed so alive...

About Me

My relationship with Christ is the most valuable thing in my life, then my family. I have been blessed with the most wonderful wife I could have ever dream of. I also have one daughter Tristen, of which I am very thankful for, she is an inspiration to my life. I thank Jesus for all He has given me!I'm into Vans shoes and chucks, well I like shoes period. I like FENDER Hats and shirts also their keetars and amps...I'm into Harleys/ choppers and bobbers.... Back in the day, my dad road a 41 knuckel...so I guess it rubbed off on me. I'm into music, I listen to everything from old school blues/80's 90's christian metal/ to worship I'm a Phil Keaggy fan, SRV fan,also Eric Johnson.A dream of mine is to play in worship sevice at black church, I LOVE that style of music and the freedom that is there. Yea, the Hammond B3 tha preacha and me have a call and answer session, thats what I'm talking about!Layout made by the_legend at CreateBlog.com . .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

what it would be like to live a selfless life, emptied of my own ambitions and consumed with blessing others.....also I'm a guitarist, it is a passion in my life,I thank the Lord for the gift He has placed in me. I enjoy playing for His glory. I'm a Fender nut, Stratocasters, Tele's, Fender Amps, yea you get the picture,

I'd like to meet:

Not you, that's for sure.Really, I don't know you...so...maybe I would like you. As long as you're not like my sixth grade teacher Mrs. Crawl...true story...mean woman...God rest her soul.


Music!!! Kill your boombox!!! Now...Do it...get a nine pound sledge and...and....and....just funn'in ya.The most powerful music is worship music, music is a great vehicle for expression. I have been playing guitar for 20 plus years and still feel like I'm just getting started.


Kill your movie screen!!!Kidding... relax Jackson. Movies can be great fun, and sometimes they are, not so much...


Kill your T.V.!!!!Just kidding, watch all you can, and tell your grandkids someday about what it was like...back in the day.


I'm a writer who is writing a readable book for readers, who enjoy an enjoyable book.So let it written, So let it be done.


Adam you are my hero brodie...lato for nowMy best friend Tammi, she never ceases to amaze me. I'm so undeserving of her love...also my lovley daughter Tieki who is an beautiful person inside and out...

My Blog

Chapter Four! night time deposit...

After sensing I had prayed though, the peace of the Lord enveloped me and I rose up from my knees. I left the room. Seeing no sign of Levi I headed toward the green exit sign at the end of the hall. I...
Posted by Ted on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 09:59:00 PST

Chapter 3 GO!!!

Levi began to share his heart and his passion for preaching the gospel. He said that he would preach inside the generator room for hours on end hoping someone would hear outside the door and come in a...
Posted by Ted on Mon, 29 May 2006 09:39:00 PST

Chapter Two

CONTINUED as the door opened I saw a very large diesel engine, it was an auxiliary generator. Power back up for this unusual building I had made my way into.      The large ex...
Posted by Ted on Sat, 20 May 2006 08:21:00 PST

Has this ever happened to you?!?! Chapter one

His shoes were crusty, with pizza dough all over the laces and toes. The once vibrant red chucks were now a pale image of what once was. How many hours, how many supremes, how...
Posted by Ted on Sat, 13 May 2006 08:31:00 PST