fold your arms cause they be tired from all the praying that you did
About Me
Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with wild hope...why don't we meet tonight. sit on the porch and drink with our cans raised high arm and arm swinging side to side.
My Interests
Booface, Bikes, Beer, Bros, and few other things here and there.
I'd like to meet:
im good.
right now: the stuff i listened to in 6th grade.
donnie darko, requiem for a dream, dirty dancing, dude, wheres my car.
harry potter
My Blog
potato chip resolution
I finally heard back from the potato chip company and Im totally bummed. I guess my expectations were higher for my reparations. I was also hoping that I might recieve a more personal response. ... Posted by Michael on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 01:11:00 PST
my potato chip dilemma
I was eating lunch and had the worst potato chips ever. So I asked everyone else to try them and they hated them too. So as a joke I called to complain because the ... Posted by Michael on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:41:00 PST
if my weekend and your weekend got in a fight.....
...mine would totally win.
I dont ever do this but I figured since I had a sad blog, a pissed off blog, it is time for a super stoked one.
It started Thursday at game night where there was awes... Posted by Michael on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 09:06:00 PST