He-man! Fuck it I'm ripped baby! Live it Love it, its gone, think fast I live on the edge, hot lay-dees hit me up on AIM @ bigbuffdaddy4U. Vin Gasoline watch out I make movies too!..
The Late Show on Vimeo width="425" height="350" ..
Acting, surfing, Piano, Placebos, and bimbos, and jimbos, and frodos, and totos
Some gansta ass bitch, raise up off me.
Cheap Trick, Eddie Murphey, Tom Jones, Don Johnshon, Rod Stewart
Bring It On Bitch and you know you got ser-viced, oh and did I mention Cross Roads, yea well I guess britney took a wrong fucking turn with that one. Ok and another favorite one is oh it has to be oh anything with J Lo silly stop playing you knew that... oooh oooook silly dilly funy little big cute cuddly movie lovers. :) haha turn your head side ways goof ball it's a smiley face... LOL LOL LOL LOL... OK not funny anymore.
The Real Giligan's Island! Go Gooner!
T- Bone the corn chip smelling dog!