Drinking good wine in beautiful dim lit rooms with good lipstick on and a fine coat. Listening to some fine jazz, talking bout things that are and things that could be. Holdin' on to everything the moments got to give you.
I'd like to meet:
Johnny Cash, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Jeff Buckley, Anthony Bourdain, Janis Joplin, Charles Bukowski, Jim Morrison, Salvador Dali, Coltrane, Michael Dransfield, Morrisey, Belushi, John Lennon standing in my kitchen half naked, Nick Cave, Jesus Rodriquez, Mathew Barney, Marquis De Sade, Dylan Moran, Robert De Niro (suited up and ready for drinking wine with me), Frank Sinatra (in his prime), Peter Sellers (damm yes), Spike Milligan, Tex Perkins, William Shatner, Nina Simone but most of all - people who live with passion and intent, people who adore words and want it all.
Coltrane, Jeff Buckley, Fat Freddy's Drop, Bob Dylan, Elton John, The Cure, Marilyn Manson,Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Woodie Guthrey, Jim Morrison, Mutiny, Ella Fitzgerald, Jesus Rodriquez, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Paul Kelly, Jurrasic 5, The Cure, The Pixies, PJ Harvey, The Smiths, TIm Rogers and the Twin Set, Oasis, William Shatner and Gil Scott Herron's spoken word, Lennon, George Clinton, The Beatles, Nick Cave, Tex Perkins, The Stones, Roy Orbison, Radio Head, NIN, Tim Rogers, John and Yoko.... and so so many more
Secretary,Shopgirl,Rocky Horror Picture Show,Crash (james spader one) Better than Sex, Casino,Clockwork Orange, Heavenly Creatures, Almost Famous, Fight Club, Rear window, The way we where, Giant, The Doors, Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, White Palace, Taxi Driver(anything with Deniro actually), The Shining.
River Cottage, Extra's, Black Books, Deadwood,The Wonder Years.
Mockingbird wish me luck - Bukowski, Anything by the Buk, specially Women and Post OFfice, Drug Poems - Micheal Dransfield, 1984 - George Orwell, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius - David Eggars, American Psyhco - Brett Easton Ellis. To kill and mockinbird - Harper Lee, Lord of the Flies, Farenheit 451, A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess, And the Ass Saw the Angel - Nick Cave, Illuminations - Rimbaud, Surrealist Love Poems, All Oscar Wilde, All Hunter S, most of the Beats, The Last Poets, ohh you know anything that makes me go ahhhhh