The power of story in almost any medium, but especially novels and movies; hackers and computer security; film and video production; finding out What Is Really Going On; SSP Wrestling and video production!
Fusobacterium necrophorum so I can give it a motherlovin' beat-down of metaphysical proportions.
I like stuff that surprises me. Lately, Junior Senior and Modest Mouse and, speaking of surprises, I officially like some country music. (See "power of story," above.)
Michael Clayton, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Rumble in the Bronx, Die Hard, Alien, Sixth Sense, Donnie Darko, Bad Santa, Terminator 2, Sneakers, Fight Club, The Princess Bride, Firefly/Serenity, The Matrix, Pulp Fiction, Cowboy Bebop, Danny Kaye in The Court Jester, Lost in Translation, but absolutely nothing that starts with "Fantastic Four."
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If you were a MOVIE VILLIAN, which one would you be!?
Agent Smith
A natural leader, a shrewd strategist and an excellent intimidator, complemented nicely by your spooky devotion to perfect annunciation. Whatever happens to get in your way, wont be there very long.From the Movie: The Matrix
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Project Runway 4, Entourage, Deadwood, Heroes, Top Chef, Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List, Venture Brothers, and I support the Writers Guild strike wholeheartedly.
Anything by Christopher Moore; Scott Lynch's The Lies of Locke Lamora; The Adventures of Kavalier & Klay; Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell; Lee Child's Jack Reacher series; David Sedaris; Ann Lamott; David Eggers (sometimes); the Hardy Boys shall rock forever; Neal Stephenson; Terry Pratchett. Airplane fiction sucks. Death to The Da Vinci Code, not because it's controversial, but because it's bad, and its sales inspired a jillion even-worse imitators.
Most "heroes" are bullshit. You and I can try hard and rise above.