Member Since: 4/7/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Daniel, Fred
Sounds Like: "The two oddly-titled collaborators create a curiously charming, genre-jumping music that carries trace echoes of the Beta Band, Beck and (on occasion) Blur at their most whimsical. Eclecticism can often seem forced, but Department of Eagles' magpie instincts are waggish, beguiling and natural." - Record Collector
"For dreamy boys who gaze at shoes, they're sure not afraid to have fun. They've got quite a knack for pulling EZ-listening demiclassical string-piano-flute and shuffling-through-sand cocaine-cowboy campfire-guitar snippets out of their crates and glitching them to high heaven until it's time to ride burros into the sunset." - The Village Voice
"Department of Eagles excel at making oddness into goodness." - SF Weekly
"Department of Eagles' genre-imploding Whitey on the Moon UK LP is a crowning achievement of sublimely sprawling pathos." - XLR8R
Record Label: N/A
Type of Label: Indie