Finding out exactly who 'The son's of God' are. When Jesus was born. Feb, March Jun Jul or ..hat's what it's been narrowed down to lol. I love music , singing, fashion. movies. Art, Photoshop 7, basic photography.computers, keeping a journal. Growing as a person Speaking of movies 'Must watch Dead man's shoes'. My friend Jo is in it. She's in 'This is England' too, that hasn't come out yet though. My two main interest, I love watching people... My biggest interest has to be singing, I feel as if I've been uncaged when I sing :-)
Mmm initially nobody came to mind, then... Ce Ce Winans. Be Be Winans, Mayeou Angelou, Iyanla Vanzant. Oprah Winfrey, Whitney Houston. There are a lot of people I would like to meet.
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Saw Blood diamond. I love diamonds I wouldn't rush to buy anymore now I know what goes on.
My friend's movie This England Go Jo!! :-)) She's also in Dead Man's shoes.Both Great!
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I Thank God for inventing dance
I like Girlfriends and 'Friends' and documentaries like 'Pay your mortgage off in two years' and 'Beat the Bailiff' I like Smallville and Charmed. I love the Biography channel and celebrity E. I love relaxing and watching dvds People watching :-)
My favourite Book. The illumina Bible, The Message a contempary Bible. The secret dream world of a shopaholic. That book made me laugh. I just love books and fashion magazines.