I like variety, and change.
If were not changing day by day, month by month, year by year.
Were not growing into the destiny waiting out there for us.
I'm not happy with the here and now, I want to grow in myself and in the relationships I have around me.
Are you seeking after your goals and dreams with all that is within you?
You can do anything if you put your heart, mind and soul into it.
No matter how difficult or how many obsticles seem to be in the way, once you start the ball rolling, theres no stopping you once you get moving.
I wont get in your way, to try and stop you.
I'll get along side you and help you push that ball down up the hill.
So once you've gotten to the top we both can enjoy your success.
Not to mention the view from up there...lol!
I grew up skating at the local skate rink so I love to get out there on a warm sunny day and skate for miles.
I sooo need new skates though, mine are worn and torn!
I used them everywhere, several states in Australia, New Zealand, California.
Man, they've done just as many miles as I have...lol!
I also like to get out in the bush or the open road and go exploring!
I love going 4WDing and scaring people out of their skins!
Isn't that right Dougal and Flex MC? ...lol!
I'm sure I frightened the hell out of Flex Before Clarence's Wedding...lol!
Here is my Pride and Joy! Not the biggest or baddest!
It's not the car you drive but the driver that makes for an exciting ride!
President G.W. Bush
& Prime Minister John Howard
Paris Hilton
Jessica Simpson
Nick Lachey
Mandy Moore
Ashley Simpson
Rick Price
Gov. Schwarzenegger
John Travolta
Bob Harper
The Rock
Sir Richard Branson
And of course my best friend and future wife!
Create your own visitor map!
Agents of the Secret Service & FBI
Anyone who is willing to take a bullet for the President!