Yoga, Breakdancing, philosophizing, daydreaming, viewing art, and exploring alternate forms of thought.
People interested in Yoga. Visiting my island or open invites to others. People into music, Downtemp and Trip hop for yoga and also indie hip hop and oldskool for breakdancing and head knoding.... Anyone who has something intellegent to say.
coming soon....
alternate states, baraka, mirror mask, freestyle sessions (any of them), What the bleep do we know, Ashtanga New York, Loose change 911 alex jo( look it up....its a sabatoage)
hickhikers guide to the galaxy, sidartha, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda, How to know God: Yoga asporisms of Patanjali, Osho, The Alchemist, Toa of Pooh,
Patanjali, Budha, Jesus, Gandhi, Any one who goes down for what they believe in...