Yoga, Acrobatics, Massage, Henna Mehndi, Travel, travel, travel , travel and Travel even MORE!.Art-Glass. Landsacape Architecture,Rock, Vegetarian food!
Artists, Yogis y Viajeros y Rockeros
Pink Floyd,AIR,GUSTAVO CERATTI & Soda stereo, John Lennon-The Beatles,BoB Marley,Old school hip hop, Classic Rock,80's, Technotronic,Flamenco Gitano,Bebo y Cigala, DRACO, Manu Chao,Basenectar,Cafe Tacuba, La Mala, The Cure, The Killers, The...ROCK!.....JAZZ, Funk and good stuff
I don't watch TV
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali....Osho........Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert!
.......All the Acro Yogis