Music, Paranormal studies, Dancing, Card reading, Research, Kaballah, Remote viewing, Poetry, Archeology, Discovering more about life and the universe... Being able to effect the people I know in a positive and beautiful way...
People with open bright expressive hearts and minds... a love of music and a good basic background in "Groove"... People who have, or want to have a working knowledge in Paranormal subjects. Sense of humour and witt, estatic over the simple things that pass most others by... A sense of belonging to other times and places...Anceint history and Archeology. A romantic approach to most challanges in life... People who like the way everything looks in the moonlight the best of all...
Music is the source of balance deep within the soul A few of whom I listen to Jethro Tull, Enigma, Instanpita, Medeaval Baebes, Djilia Phralengo, Lothlorien, Soil Bleeds Black, New World Renaissance band,Era, Greenday, Orgy, Metallica, System of a Down, Godsmack, Audioslave, Staind, Alanna, Lorenna McKennitt, Brodinagian Bards, prodigy, Kansas, Hevia,Beck, Gordon Lightfoot,Harry Chapin, Led Zepelin, Carlos Nakai, Chris Issac, Yitzac Pereleman, Yoyo Ma, Beethovan, Mozart, Placidio Domingo, Lucianno Pavarotti, Dvorshak, Turndot,Il barber de Seville, La Bohme, Cavelera Rusticana, Cosse con Tutte, Sigfrid,Tommy, Hair, Anything woodstock, Blackmoors Night, Astralprojection, Infected mushrooms, Brooklyn Bounce, XTC, Sasha DJ Tiesto, Vengaboys, Rob Zombie, Pearl Jam, Smashing Ps, Collective Soul, Midnight oil, Ozzy,Tom Petty, Paul Oakfield, DJ Quicksilver, Nirvana, Tetra, DJ Fritzy, Fin McCool,Serundal,Era,Evenessance,Venga boys
The list of Paranormal subject books I have read would take up way too much room. Here is a short list of some of the more memorible other books I have read . The Zohar Shimon bar YochaiTehelimThe seceret by Michael BergThe Way micheal BergThe Essential Kabbalah Daniel Matt Honey from the rock Lawrence Kushner The Witching Hour Anne Rice Memnoch the Devil Anne RiceTaltos Ann RicePandoras Box Ann RiceThe Mummy Ann RiceCry to Heaven Ann RiceAztec Gary JenningsSpangle Gary Jennings Raptor Gary JenningsThe Journeyer Gary JenningsMidnight Sun Ramsey CampbellJoy Luck club Amy Tan The kitchen gods wife Amy TanBonesetters daughter Amy TanOf human Bondage Summerset MaughmaumThe scarlet Letter Nathaniel HawthorneCrime and Punshment DosteveskyThe woman in White Wilke CollinsMy Family and Other Animals Gerald DurellBalthazer Lawrence DurellThe Rocking Winner DH LawrerenceWomen In Love DH LawrenceUleyses James JoyceFinigains Wake James JoyceThe Oddesey HomerThe Illiad HomerJane Eyre C BronteNana Emile ZolaAlarms and deversions James Thurber Butterball,Guy deMaupassant
Menachem Mendel Schneerson,Chazin Ish, Lillian Moskowitz, Margret Mead,Robert B.Leakey , Ashley Montague,Ian Anderson,Isadora Duncan, James Joyce, Gerald Durrel,Daniel Matt,Micheal Berg,William Burroughs,Dylan Thomas,Judy Collins,Yitzchak Ginsburgh,Chiam Mintz,Meir Kahene,Isaac Luria,Aryeh /