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♥ ∼ chelle ∼ ♥

*****I'd kill myself for you --I'd kill you for myself*****

About Me

c H e L L i e L a N d
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Sun 5° Scorpio 15' Scorpio Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Taurus
Moon 25° Taurus 25' Taurus Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Capricorn
Ascendant 1° Capricorn 21' Capricorn Horoscope
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.. Why do you kill? Girls only. (Kool Pictures And Detailed Results)..
You Kill For Revenge.
Someone was tooken from you and you have never gotten over it. You plan to mercilessily slaughter the person or people who did this to you and wish you could do it again and again. You feel out of place at times but have those few friends that help you along and you love music.
Personality: Depressed, Dark
Weapon: Weapons Of Torture
Expression/Action: Crying, or Hanging your head
Most Common Feeling: Sadness

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I'm a young single mom of a beautiful girl who is tragically split between 2 lives- the one of a devoted mom who would do anything for her daughter who came to me at a time when all i wanted to do was die: and the goth- punk chick who wants to party, get trashed, dance til all hours of the morning, see every band possible on this planet play live, and hang out with my friends. Recently, I have completely fallen for Carey, my love true, who I adore with all my heart and am doomed to pay for it for all eternity.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowI am 68% Emo.
.. Well.. I've made the cut! Now I'll go buy some promise rings and knit myself a sweater. Take the
Emo Test
@ FualiDotCom What kind of Pinup girl are you?
You're the Naughty Pinup.Boys want you bad and you know it. You're not afraid to show some skin, sex is your weapon.
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My Interests

I play and teach classical violin, love to dance, see live bands play, chill out with friends and listen to music, i enjoy theatre, art, writing poetry, drawing, tarot, runes, crystals .. ..

I'd like to meet:

more friends like the ones i had in high school-- the kind of people who will always listen to me, even actually speak their minds to me without fear, who can enjoy the same music i do and maybe show me new bands to hear, people who are genuine and true to themselves and everyone around them- that is what i want


Myspace Layouts
..the cure, depeche mode, siouxsie and the banshees, a.f.i., bauhaus, joy division, new order, my chemical romance, aiden, she wants revenge, hawthorne heights, atreyu, taking back sunday, rock kills kid, thursday, flyleaf, the clash, the pixies, dead kennedy's, the ramones, dead can dance, erasure, anti flag, 7 seconds, NOFX, bouncing souls, big audio dynamite, ministry, the specials, machines of loving grace, nin, skinny puppy, arctic monkeys, bad religion, jane's addiction, pj harvey, dead milkmen, the vandals, pennywise, the killers, liz phair, poe, tori amos, franz ferdinand, panic at the disco, english beat, dropkick murphy's, flogging mollys, save ferris, mighty mighty bosstones, mudsharks, reel big fish, buck o nine, vivaldi, bach, shostakovich, ravel, handel, love indie, punk, goth, alternative, ska, techno, industrial, and anything danceable


Myspace Layouts
interview with the vampire, the lost boys, pretty in pink, moulin rouge, pump up the volume, my own private idaho, sixteen candles, the breakfast club, evita, down wth love, hairspray, clockwork orange, the grudge, go, what's eating gilbert grape, dream a little dream, some kind of wonderfulCLICK HERE TO GET A NEW CONTACT TABLE + THOUSANDS OF OTHER GRAPHICS


buffy the vampire slayer, absolutely fabulous, kids in the hall, that 70's show, music videos- can u tell i don't watch much tv? Anime: What Would You Look Like? (anime pics, duh:)) only girls pls!
You are happy, but sad at the same time. You had love, but either they gave it uo or just coudln't take it anymore.You're kinda like me, i think i loved someone, but it didn't work out, o well, this is about you! not me, you're favorite flower is probably a rose, for it's beauty You are and probably always wll be, in love, it hurts, but it can be great. Who knows? things might turn out.:)
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the witching hour- anne rice, interview with the vampire-anne rice, my sweet audrina- vc andrews, complete works of edgar allen poe, novels by ruby jean jensen
What kind of Dark Faerie are You? (Girls only with beautiful pics)
Brooding FaerieYou are the Brooding Faerie. You are always working over something in your mind. Not exactly thoughtful, but... brooding. Something has happened to you that requires a lot of thinking over; and it's probably not good.Wings: BlackPower: DarknessSexual appeal: You are a distant and vague person; the perfect type to try to win over. Many guys see you as a challenge that they'd love to overcome, with your heart as the prize. Maybe after you're in love you'll be able to let the darkness in your heart pass.What you look for in a guy: You look for the same, dark-emotional guy, someone that reflects your feelings and that has the same outlook as you. Usually he has dark/black eyes and hair, and sometimes he even wears mascara and eye shadow, but strangely enough you don't seem to attract these kinds of guys. Go figure.
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My Blog

I think the word is Despair

Why can't some people just make up their minds? I mean if I want something I go for it and at full speed... Lately everything I want seems to have a massive road block. My car is needing repairs- whic...
Posted by ♥ ∼ chelle ∼ ♥ on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 10:19:00 PST

This song is stuck in my head

Been It- The Cardigans   Baby boyYour face is pretty and your life's a toyMaster manI'm never better than your latest planPoor doneewhat are you gonna try to bewhere are you gonna go without me n...
Posted by ♥ ∼ chelle ∼ ♥ on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 07:20:00 PST


Okay, so here is the way my world works.... I get my car back from the shop today because I basically have run out of money for fixing it at the moment. I have 2 major jobs left to do on it that are n...
Posted by ♥ ∼ chelle ∼ ♥ on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 05:02:00 PST

You've Got Her In Your Pocket --White Stripes

You've got her in your pocketAnd there's no way out nowPut it in the safe and lock it'cause it's at home sweet homeNobody ever told you that it was the wrong wayTo trick a woman, make her feel she did...
Posted by ♥ ∼ chelle ∼ ♥ on Thu, 31 May 2007 08:38:00 PST

Something to look forward to

Yes! I have something to look forward to!!! I have made definite plans to move out of NoDak to Las Vegas. I will be outta this shithole town by the end of June. No more boredom, no more lack of prospe...
Posted by ♥ ∼ chelle ∼ ♥ on Wed, 23 May 2007 06:31:00 PST

Will peace of mind ever come?

So Today was a relatively shitty day... I dunno if I am going insane slowly, or if my world really is crumbling around me. I mean, I am not fooling anyone when they ask me how I like it here and I say...
Posted by ♥ ∼ chelle ∼ ♥ on Sat, 12 May 2007 09:49:00 PST

The Price of Children

The Price of Children ~ An oldie but a goodie.   This is just too good not to pass on to all. Something absolutely positive for a change. I have repeatedly seen the breakdown of the cost of raisi...
Posted by ♥ ∼ chelle ∼ ♥ on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 05:38:00 PST

4 in the Morning

So I heard this song and it kinda fits how things feel in my life right now....   4 in the Morning by Gwen Stefani   Waking up to find another dayThe moon got lost again last nightBut now th...
Posted by ♥ ∼ chelle ∼ ♥ on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 06:43:00 PST

thoughts never stop

So yeah, my mind has been going non- stop lately and it is quite frankly exhausting. I feel like there is so much more I should be doing with my life that I am not. I am getting more hours working at ...
Posted by ♥ ∼ chelle ∼ ♥ on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 10:08:00 PST


So I moved into my new house over the weekend--YAY!!!! I just got my internet hooked up a few minutes ago.... It has been hectic to say the least! But I do LOVE my new house! No more apartments for me...
Posted by ♥ ∼ chelle ∼ ♥ on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 02:52:00 PST