Forrest Friends profile picture

Forrest Friends


About Me

----Here is my story. I was born in central Europe and grew up as a normal kid of my time. When I turned 16 my family moved to the United States and that was the time when my life radically changed.The first week of my living in a totally new for me country I met new "friends". Pretty soon they became everything for me. I thought that their life is the best life anyone could wish for and that was the kind I craved. The first day I was with them I started smoking cigarettes along with marijuana and got drunk. My life continued in the same direction for a few years until I got addicted to drugs and alcohol, had my driver's license suspended, was expelled from high school for fighting because I couldn't find joy and everybody pissed me off, spent some time in jail, lost my car, started borrowing money until I was ten thousand in debt (a huge amount of money for a teenager) and got hooked up with the wrong girls. Life sucked.
----One day I was driving in a car with my older brother and he told me that I'm looking for joy in all the wrong places. A little later for some reason I got to church and sat in the very last row. In that church service some group with all kinds of funny instruments was playing on the stage. They sang a song with a message that we are not just losers on this earth but we are somebody and there is a purpose to our life. I didn't know what was happening to me but I started crying. At the end there was a call for people that wanted to repent and change their lives. I went upfront. I gave my life to God... Two years later I had a beautiful wife and daughter. God blessed me with a house and cars. I was out of debt. Another year later God gave me a son. I am living the best life I could ever dream about. My wife and I are married for already six years and I am absolutely loving it. Jesus Christ set me free from my addictions. He cleansed me and gave me a new beginning... That's when I started a band called Forrest Friends.
----A lot of young people are going through the same stuff that I went through. They think very low of themselves. They think that they can't achieve anything when they are teenagers. They think that marijuana, cigarettes, alcohols and dirty sex will give them joy but it's all temporary. Our vision is to change that, to show them a better life and to tell them that they are, in fact, somebody. We are a rock band from Seattle.
----Starting in January we want to rent out high school and college auditoriums and throw cool Friday and Saturday night music events that will impact young people. Our parties will feature other Northwest bands, hot MC's, DJ's and break-dancers. The style of music will range all the way from rap, dance to hard core rock. Music changed our lives and we believe it will change theirs.
P.S. We want to show you what we are all about and that's just a little piece of our goal. If you want to be a part of this vision and have a heart to help us with your talent (anything from rapping to break dancing to being a simple volunteer would help) please contact us.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/3/2006
Band Members: Garrison, Chad
Record Label: Psychform, Debacle
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Past Shows...

--12-07-07 @ Forrest Den w/ Not Waving --11-23-07 @ LAB w/ Wind Swept Planes, Tusk, Indians, War Paint --10-05-07 @ Dog City w/ Happy Birthday Secret Weapon --9-23-07 @ some house in Olympia w/ No Age...
Posted by Forrest Friends on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 03:33:00 PST

tapes and shet

So the Psych-form tape is in the can and will be out, I'm told "sometime in either January or December" and we've sort of switched gears into full length mode to get something together for Sam and his...
Posted by Forrest Friends on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 07:58:00 PST

drop out

Drop out from everything and help us end the oppression of the man! Fuck yr school, fuck yr job, fuck yr wife and animal husbandry rebel yellow brickhouse Down mexico topless shirt of a million trilli...
Posted by Forrest Friends on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 05:45:00 PST

weeping blood

Jesus wept tears of blood for me and you who danced all night in wooden shoes than he slid down the great snake and landed in a fiery lake Jesus loves selflessly individuals like you and me are free w...
Posted by Forrest Friends on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 05:30:00 PST

Last Night!

Thanks to JC, Josh, and the kids that came out to see us last night, we appreciate it and had a good time with you all. Thanks to the kids who stuck around and Reed and the Dog City kids for hosting a...
Posted by Forrest Friends on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 03:26:00 PST

Yes Sirrsss!!!!

Tour was mucho Beuno, the devils red wife. I dugger your rugger, a best bee friend you maked naked dancin' shoe wranglin' langour-matic nascent debauchery. Yup. 4th Head of Microscopic Telepathic Suf...
Posted by Forrest Friends on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 05:31:00 PST

Playing a couple random spots on th’ coast...

Yessir, we may be hittin' some random spots down the coast, last minute stuff. A lot of dates are at ... We may be playing at a few of these. Who's to say? San Francisco on...
Posted by Forrest Friends on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 10:54:00 PST

Appendix A

The Lyrics where, in total: "The Clams which fell from your eyes through golden doors robed seven came glittering sunbeam dissipates head Chorous:          ...
Posted by Forrest Friends on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 06:14:00 PST

"Lick Steez Nutz"

So, I haven't done any of these blog things on here. It''s been Chad typing them up all this time. but I figured, "Why not, it's the 90's".   So this is my debut. Not much to say, though if...
Posted by Forrest Friends on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 03:34:00 PST

Holy Land

Was rocked and the forrest was stormed! thanks to all the kids for helpin' us rock it! We love ya'll!
Posted by Forrest Friends on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 10:03:00 PST