Tia. D profile picture

Tia. D

I am here for Friends

About Me

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Get this video and more at MySpace.comBe a KANE Duck and join my NEW KANE Group on MySpace - http://groups.myspace.com/TheOfficialKANEDucksOkay I hate filling in these things but nvm. Now what to tell you all that won't either scare you away or land me in jail...hmmm.... Okay I was born in a small village called Gairloch (That's about an hour or so by car from Inverness).I moved from there when I was 8 yrs old to Lochcarron a few miles from Gairloch. Lived there till I was about 15/16 then moved again but to Glasgow this time. Since I've been in Glasgow I've moved a totally of about 5 times. Sheesh, I like moving don't I? lolI have 4 Brothers and two Online Sisters. My Brothers first are - Paul (30), Mark (29), Darren (28) and Gavin (14). My online Sistas - Claire (21) and Ashley (23).Pets: Dogs - A black Lab, Jake, he's 5 yrs old and such a Cutie! I'll need to put a few pics of him up here soon. You'll all love him I know it! A Border Collie, her name is Dhileas (Pronounced Jeelis) and she's 1 year old. She's Black/White with some brown patches on her chin. Her pictures are in my photos album, but I'll post more soon, Promise!!!I'm taking a break from College after all I've been in college for nearly 7 yrs doing this and that. I'll add more about that Later if I can be bothered. Okay that's your lot for now...Bored yet? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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My Interests

I love Music all kinda from Rock to some Opera singers, Reading, Sports, Movies, Writing Stories/Poetry, Photography and Graphics...etc..

I'd like to meet:

The Lead singer of KANE - Christian Kane. That guy's voice is Irresistible and so Hypnotising. Their music is Outlaw Country, maybe not everyone's kinda music but give it a chance, you might just Like it! Oh and Joaquin Phoenix, that guy is one talented actor, not to mention Gorgeous!

adopt your own virtual pet!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

adopt your own virtual pet! Supernatural Renegade Music Video Finally

Add to My Profile | More VideosThis is a superb version of the ending song "Renegade" from the 'Supernatural' Episode "Night Shifter". It was made by CKLL and her website is here - http://community.livejournal.com/dean_sam/687930.html where it was originally posted.


KANE, The Who, Sherwood, Green Day, The Rasmus, Nickelback, Snow Patrol, The Feeling, Amy Lee, Evanescence, Vairocana Mafia, TRANSAUDIO, Nick Piro, Fall Out Boy, Rihanna..etc.- Shownin My KANE LOVE - Christian Kane Singing "Mama" written by Brandon Hart. .. width="425" height="350" ..
Which British Band Are You? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Walk The Line, Memoires of a Geisha, Braveheart, Scary Movies All of them, Scream Trilogy, LOTR all 3 of them, Harry Potter films (Blame Chris and Louise for that! lol), Brokeback Mountain, Crash, The Bourne Identify, The Bourne Supremacy, Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, Dogma, Good Will Hunting, Saving Private Ryan, Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, The Terminal, Catch Me If You Can, Cast Away, The Green Mile...etc


Heroes, Lost, Supernatural, Boston Legal, Cold Case, Desperate Housewives, Bones, CSI: Las Vegas, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Stargate: Atlantis and Gilmore Girls.RIP Shows - Dark Angel, Firefly, Tru Calling, Charmed, Alias, Invasion, Stargate SG-1, Friends,


"The Da Vinci Code", "Angels and Demons" both By Dan Brown. "Message from Nam" by Danielle Steel. "Atlantis" by David Gibbins. I love all Stephen Kings Books. Add more later...


Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Christopher Reeves and Chris McNeill (RIP) Also my lost brother - John Moir. (Luv ya bro, RIP)

My Blog

Happy Birthday to the lovely Christian Kane!

All us Kane Fans know that it's Christian Kane's birthday today but, for all that don't know - now you do!So drop by the KANE website (www.kanemusic.com) or their home-from-home on MySpace.com(www.mys...
Posted by Tia. D on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 01:28:00 PST


Hey Supernatural fans!Just a little note to let you all know, I opened a new group for Supernatural/Winchesters/Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki/Jeffrey Dean Morgan fans. You can find it here - http://gr...
Posted by Tia. D on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 02:53:00 PST

Sherwood on the Cover of Alternative Press?! (PLEASE EVERYONE READ!)

If your a SHERWOOD FAN and even if your not, PLEASE read the below message and help make this dream a reality for Sherwood. They're an Awesome band and the guys rock as does their music! Check them ou...
Posted by Tia. D on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 09:38:00 PST

MORE *New* Pictures added!

Hey Guys,         & nbsp;  Just like a promised, more NEW pics are up in my photos section. I'll be adding more in the next few days. Just be patient, ...
Posted by Tia. D on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:50:00 PST

*New* Pictures added!

Hey Everyone,        &nb sp;          I just added a few new pictures in my photo files, have a look and tell me wha...
Posted by Tia. D on Sat, 05 May 2007 11:39:00 PST

My Puppy, Dhileas at 5 Weeks Old!

This is my New Puppy, Dhileas! (I think it's pronounced Gielis) It's Gaelic for Loyal/Faithful.She's a Borderline Collie and she's was 5 weeks only in the picture, But she's 7 weeks old now. Dhileas...
Posted by Tia. D on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 12:38:00 PST

My New Little Pussy! LOL

My little Pussy - KitAin't she a cutie!Be nice to her or she'll Bite you!adopt your own virtual pet!...
Posted by Tia. D on Tue, 09 May 2006 05:26:00 PST

Christian Kane Singing - 'Mama' - Showin My KANE LOVE!

.. width="425" height="350">..>Showin my KANE LOVE again!Hugs,Tiaxxx...
Posted by Tia. D on Mon, 08 May 2006 09:16:00 PST

Save a horse...ride a cowboy! Vote KANE! (SHOW UR KANE LOVE!)

Showing MY KANE LOVE, by Posting this for my good friend - Drusilla!Hugs,Tiaxxx----------------------- MESSAGE READS ------------------------Hi all,Thanks so much for voting KANE and keeping them in t...
Posted by Tia. D on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 07:48:00 PST

Vairocana Mafia Rocks!

Hey guys,I'm still gonna play Vairocana Mafia killer song "This is Love" 'cause I luv this song still and the Band are Excellent! I'd like to say another special thanks to Adam B. and the guys for all...
Posted by Tia. D on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 09:22:00 PST