Salt Lake City Weekly - Best of 2008 edition
We knew it was coming, you knew it was coming, they knew it was coming—X96's Radio From Hell is omnipresent. Even your snooty NPR friends who “don't listen to commercial radio” know all about it. Those of us who've seen how the show works in the studio, however, know thatRFH isn't quite the free-form four-hour gabfest it seems to be: Bill Allred is the consummate newsreader trapped in the shorts of a rock-radio dude, while Gina Barberi is not at all the dim sidekick she often plays. The show's starship captain is Kerry Jackson, a persnickety perfectionist who guides the flow and calls up a bottomless array of sounds and comic bits on a dime. But if you think all they do is bitch about their company, that's cool, too.
Weekdays, 5:30-10 a.m.
2. RadioWest, KUER 90.1
3. Maximum Distortion, KRCL 90.9
(click here to see entire article)
New Time Slot Is Here!!!!
(Wednesday 10:30pm to 1:00am).
Tune in! No Excuses!
Out of the area... STREAM LIVE @ KRCL.ORG
KRCL 90.9FM SLC / KZCL 90.5FM Logan / KZMU 90.1FM Moab
***Bands/Labels*** Send your music to us MAILING ADDRESS:
P.O. Box 22714
Salt Lake City, UT
It's the 7-16-2008 playlist suckas!
Name Song Title Name of CD Release Year Notes