24/7 Fucked Up's profile picture

24/7 Fucked Up's

A Tribute to the Unknown Rockstar

About Me

Are there better reasons to form a band than feeling fucked up all the time? Of course not!So in spring of 2005 Jim-Bob and me started the 24/7 Fucked Up's. This spring was an era of boredom an unsatisfaction for us and our other Bands (Radiant Boys,Emscherkurve77) weren't able to change it.We remembered the great times we spent in our rehearsal room where we played a bunch of Jim-Bob's own Songs and different covers of our favourite Bands under massive influence of alcohol,drugs and nicotine. So we engaged Dirk(Radiant Boys) to play drums for the Fucked Up's and began with the rehearsals.After a few months we celebrated our first show with Colt 45 from Oberhausen,Germany.It was a great evening and we needed some more.More Shows,more songs and more variety in styles.Dirk wasn't able to walk this way with us,so we replaced him through Duisburgs well-known Drum-Maniac Buddy who played drums for Jamie Clarkes Perfect. Since then we have the long awaited ability to play exactly the songs we wanna play, no matter the style.From ass-kickin' Punkabilly with up-tempo shuffled drums like My life's bigger than that or Unknown Rockstar to a Pop-Punk Ballad like Close to me.We spit out every song how we want to and we don't give a fuck about musical frontiers or differen't scenes.So listen to our Songs, read the lyrics and rock with us at our shows!And if you like it only 10 percent of how we do, it will be enough to rock your all-day frustrations away.StoffelFU

My Interests


Member Since: 4/1/2006
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Influences: Our Lives,Social Distortion,Ramones,Devil Dogs,Motörhead,Turbo A.C.'s, Punkrock,Rockabilly e.t.c in general
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Type of Label: None