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Psycho Skulls - Love Me

Meinem Profil hinzufügen | Mehr VideosIn early 2005 Manuel Brey, Benny Reichert and Gepetto was bored of just hanging around, watching Horror Flicks and listening to the Misfits and decided to pick up instruments and play some Misfits Classics on there own. Manuel and Gepetto had no musical experiences but Benny played a few months in a Band called “Karpfen Kapelle”. These three played a few practice sessions with a lot of drinking and posing (there is a Video around of this sessions). The Name Psychoskulls had its origon in the time. One Day Benny decided to ask Max Pohl from next town pick up a second guitar. Before he played in a Punkrockband called “Hausverbot” , in a Hardcoreproject called “The evil Dad” and in some other small Bands. Benny thought of him because he tried to make up a Misfitscoverband last Summer for one Gig on Halloween with Benny on Bass. Unfortunately Gepetto did no practicing at all and could't play along with the band very long so he left. Now the latest formation of the Psychoskulls was build and had there first unofficial Gig on a Housedistuctionparty in Sonsbeck with the local Funpunkheros Z21. After that they played the first officially announced gig opening the “Rock am Dick” Festival. Until that time the Band just played Covers of the Misfits , Social D Motörhead PPSR... But After Rock am Dick the wanted to start to Write Songs. Until now they played 10 more livegigs and will sonly release a self produced Debut EP called “The Bloody Eyes E.P.”.To Be Continued....

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Member Since: 30/01/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
Influences:Misfits, Danzig, Demented are Go, The Cramps, RAMONES, Motörhead, The Meteors
Sounds Like: The Child of Glenn Danzig and June Carther-Cash on Speed
Type of Label: Major

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Psycho Skulls in eurer Stadt?

Nachdem wir schon einige Auftritte hinter uns haben, möchten wir mehr! Fals ihr also wollt das die Psycho Skulls mit der Mischung HorrorPunk´n Roll mit psycho einflüssen in eurer Stadt spielen, dann...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:16:00 GMT