I am a rare species: one of the few people who lives in London that is from London. Observe.
I make music: used to be topless in a band called No Bra, now fully dressed in the ecstatic noise trio Baraclough and working on my own stuff slowly, surely
I DJ fine records, from minimal electronics to noise techno and everything between. Looking for new places to play. Used to do four hour sessions at a disreputable King's Cross club so certainly know my stuff.
I also occasionally perform and write things for public consumption.
Some trivia: most of my clothes are blue. My favourite thing to eat is red peppers, closely followed by sweet potatoes in olive oil. I have been known to swing a Battenburg cake around a club if I feel it is a good night.
Here are some words:
Banana cake, waders, Adidas, firefighter boots, white wine, football socks, notebooks, Eurostar, the colour blue, European tone filth, The Economist, chocolate, Croydon, recycling, Switzerland, watering the garden, London, red peppers, Dubrovnik, Vivienne Westwood, spinach, Helvetica in large point, Benelux, clippers, crayon, toilets, microstates, swimming pools, disposable cameras, forests, islands...