About Me
Born in 1937, up the east end. I was well into the Swing era, you know Glen Miller an stuff. We used to watch them Busby Berkley films with the dancing an singing, don't make 'em like that anymore! I was hooked on the music from then on. I lived in 'sin' with our Les (god bless his soul) an' had a kid David, our Valerie's from an affair with an American G.I. What a scandal, I can tell you! I've always been ahead of my time. To make ends meet I went and got a nice little job up the EMI building, doing the cleanin', an making the odd cuppa char for the likes of Rod, little Rod I used to call him, cor, he was such a skinny little runt. All bones. I said to him once, why dontcha come round ours, I'll make you a nice stew, you know, feed him up a bit. He never came round, but I do think he wrote that song about me, well he changed my name to Maggie in it cos it sounded better though. Anyway, so i worked in the broom cupboard up the EMI for 39 years, got me pension a few years back. When I retired I got a lovely gold watch from the other girls. I loved it up there, oh i tell you! Never a dull moment, rock stars dropping in, all the meetings, oh! Whenever someone used to drop round with their 45's, i'd have a listen and tell the boys in the suits what I thought. When I first heard this one band, there were four of em, all lovely lads, all suits and moppy hair cuts, I said, oh, they'll go far, and they did, it was a real shame one of 'em got shot inthe 80's, mind you, that other one, Paul, he's been in the papers a lot lately, trouble with the Missus, you know. Gawd, I'm starting to ramble! Anyway, thats how I know my stuff! These days i've been doing a bit of writing, cos I've got all the inside information, yer know. I zip up Hackney computer shop on my mobilty scooter and do my little column for The P.i.X, Oh i love it!