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I am really only interested in associating with honest, ethical people, those have too much integrity to sell their soul for fame or fortune. I can't stand greed and I refuse to kiss the behinds of those who abuse their imagined power. I have no respect for psychics who's only intention is to make themselves famous or wealthy, I've seen many of these come and go over the years. Please, if you are not a sincere, genuine person don't ask to be my friend. If you are then please consider yourself welcomed.
The Light Is Spreading
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About The Medium
I take my psychic medium work very seriously, as I see it it is my purpose here on earth to connect the living with the other side. Spirits have been around me all of my life, working with me, teaching me in various ways how to be the best at this I can be. They have made certain that integrity, ethics and validation are always top priorities and that, when it comes to the people I help, there is never a worry for negativity or bad news, only a sense of divine love, healing and inspiration to live a fuller and happier life. People walk away positively changed by this and that is how it should be.I don't pretend to be a spritual know-it-all, the fact is I am still learning, even as I teach I continue to learn more about myself and this ability. I look forward to the years ahead as I meet and communicate with spirits eager to pass their messages on to their loved ones here.
Wht I Became A professional Medium
Some years ago I received a message from a crossed over spirit who claimed to be the deceased father of a close friend. His message was simple, "Please tell my Debbie that I'm so, so sorry". Although this spirit sounded desperate to get this message to his daughter, I failed to relay it assuming it was a case of mistaken identity, being my friend's father was very much alive and well.Months later this message continued to haunt me with an overwhelming sense of necessity. Eventually I got up the courage to share it with my friend's boyfriend, I was quite shocked to discover something I and few others knew, the father I thought to be alive and well was actually Deb's step-father, the biological father had disappeared without a trace when Deb was only nine years old. Her father was known to refer to her as "Debbie", and even more touching was that this message came to me at the very time Deb had begun searching for him. My friend found peace in that message and after spending years dealing with issues stemming from abandonment, Deb finally was able to put it to rest. That message helped change my friend's life, proving to me that this unusual gift could make a huge difference in the live's of others.