Sleep Now! profile picture

Sleep Now!

Russ Clarke Comedy Stage Hypnotist

About Me

Thank you for stopping by to check out my Myspace page!
There are many facets to what I do with Hypnosis. Most prominently, comedy stage hypnosis. I am very excited to announce my upcoming performances at the Las Vegas Hilton in August. I will be performing my new Star Trek Comedy Hypnosis show for the Star Trek Convention to be held there.
If you are a Star Trek fan, you will not want to miss your opportunity to be part of the crew of The Enterprise during my show.
As always, I am steadily touring High Schools, Cities, Private Clubs and working with great Corporations and Organizations around the USA. If interested in a show, shoot me a message and I will be happy to get back to you right away.
Have a great day!
Now for the shameless plug on my GREAT Hypnosis Show!
A Russ Clarke Comedy Hypnosis show will supercharge your event with laughter and a good time.
The volunteers who join me on stage become the stars of the show! They are treated with respect, while at the same time they are allowed to become more outgoing and creative through the hypnotic process.
I want every person in attendance to feel great about the show and glad to be involved whether on stage, or in the audience showing support through applause and laughter!Entertainment has been my life, from playing music live, DJing, recording and producing other artists, performing some crazy mentalism trick on an unsuspecting bar or restaurant patron to doing hypnosis on stage.
I love to share the wonders of hypnotic healing.
For Hypnosis show info visit...
For info on my Hypnotic Healing Products Visit... ..
You are Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan Kenobi 76% Qui-Gon Jinn 76% R2-D2 71% Mace Windu 71% Chewbacca 69% Luke Skywalker 68% Han Solo 67% Princess Leia 64% Yoda 64% Lando Calrissian 64% You are civilized, calm, and
have a good sense of humor,
even when those around you don't.
You can hold your own in a fight,
but prefer it when things
don't get too exciting.
(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)
Click here to take the "Which Star Wars character am I?" quiz...

My Interests

Hypnosis, Magic, Music, Flying, Cooking, People

I'd like to meet:

People All Over The World Who Love To Laugh And Enjoy Life To Its Fullest


Pretty much everything. Jazz, Old and New Rock, Techno, Reggae..(yes Disco)...If it has meaning or a good groove, it's worth exploring.


The Blues Brothers, The Lord Of The Rings, Lethal Weapon, Lost Boys, Bad Boys (with Sean Penn), Flatliners, Old WWII Movies Star Trek Star Wars


CSI, Law and Order, Good Eats...but Ghosthunters Trumps them All


Royal Road To Card Magic, The Art Of Close Up Magic, All business and personal improvement books. Hypnosis books


Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager, Col. C.E. "Bud" Anderson All the Vets

My Blog

Only my friends will care about this

You Are 76% RepublicanYou have a good deal of elephant running through your blood, and you're proud to be conservative.You don't fit every Republican stereotype, but you definitely belong in the Repub...
Posted by Sleep Now! on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 10:13:00 PST

New Self Hypnosis Cds Available

My new Self Hypnosis CDs are now available at...www.powerhypnosis.netStop SmokingWeight LossConfidencePain Management...
Posted by Sleep Now! on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 10:53:00 PST