nipplerot profile picture


My muff is sticky

About Me

We're an all chick band so no cocks allowed. We're working on some tracks to put up on our site. Listen if you dare. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


Member Since: 3/30/2006
Band Members: Holly Diver-lead vocals, Helen Killer-guitar, Vindar-Bass, M.Alice-drums
Influences: Abigor, Abominant, Abruptum, Absolute Zero, Absurd, Abss, Acerbus, Acheron, Acrimony, Adramelech, Adversary, Agathocles, Agent Steel, Amebix, Amon Amarth, Amorphis, Anal Blast, Ancient, Ancient Ceremony, AngelCorpse, Antaeus, Arcturus, Asgard, Asphyx, Atheist, Atrocity, At the Gates, Autopsy, Auzhia, Avenger, Averse Sefira, Avulsed, Axis of Advance, Bal-Sagoth, Bane, Baphomet, Bathory, Bastardsword, Beheaded, Behemoth, Beherit Belial, Benevolence, Black Goat, Blasphemy, Blazemth, Bleeding Display, Blood, Blood Coven, Bloodgasm, Bolt Thrower, Borknagar, Brodequin, Brutal Truth, Butchery, Burzum, Cadaver, Cadaverous, Cannibal Corpse, Capharnaum, Carcass, Carnal Grief, Cartilage, Castrum, Catastrophic, Cathedral, Celtic Frost, Cenotaph, Centinex, Ceremonium, Children Of Bodom, Christ Agony, Cianide, Ciborium, Cinerary, Ciribus, Coffin Texts, Coprofago, Corpsevomit, Corrosion of Conformity, Crest of Darkness, Cryptic Slaughter Cryptopsy, Cultus Sanguine, Damien Thorne, Dark Disciple, Dark Funeral, Dark Throne, Dark Tranquility Dawn, Dead Horse, Dead Jesus, Death, Death Strike, Decay Of Salvation, Deceased, Deeds of Flesh, Defleshed, Deicide, Deinonychius, Demigod Demilich Demion, Demoncy, Deranged, Descendent, Deteriorate, Diabolic, Diabolous, Dimmu Borgir, Disgorge, Dismember, Dismembered Fetus, Dissection, Divine Empire, Divine Rapture, D.R.I, Drogheda, Dying Fetus, Dwelling Madness, E.C.T., Emperor, Enforsaken, Engrave, Enslaved, Entombed, Epicedium, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, Eulogy, Eucharist, Evil Incarnate, Exhumed, Fates Warning, Fleshcrawl, Fleshgrind, Frozen Shadows, Gates of Ishtar, Gehenna God Dethroned, Godflesh, God Macabre, Gorgasm, Gorgoroth, Gorguts, Gorlock, Graveland, Grotesque, Gutted, Hades, Hate, Hate Eternal, Hatescar, Havohej, Hellhammer, Hellwitch, Hemdale, Hetsheads, Hypocrisy, Ildjarn, Immolation, Immortal, Immortal Dominion, Impaled Nazarene, Imprecation, Incantation, Infamy, Infernum, Infest And Corrupt, Infestum, Infester, Inflames, Infusion, Ingurgitating Oblivion, Inhuman Hatred, Inquisition, Insanity, Internal Bleeding, Intestine Baalism, Judas Priest, Kabak, Kataklysm, Katatonia, Kilcrops, Korn, Krieg, Kvist, Langsuir, Lepra, Leukorrhea, Lord Wind, Luciferion, Magus, Maladiction, Malamor, Maleficent, Malevolent Creation, Malignancy, Manes, Marduk, Martyr, Massacra, Massacre, Mayhem, Meltdown, Merciless Mesrine, Molested, Monastery, Monstrosity Morbid Angel, Morpheus Descends, Mertem, Mortician, Mortilis, Mortuary, Mysticum, Mythic, Mutiilation, Napalm Death, Necromantia Necromass, Necrophagia, Necrophobic, Neurosis, Niden Div 187, Nightwish, NME, Nox Intempesta, Nuclear Assault, Nuclear Death, Num Skull, Nun Slaughter, Obituary, Oppressor, Obscurity, Ophthalamia, Orphanage, Otep, Pains Invention, Pantera, Pentagram, Pervertum, Pessimist, Pestilence, Philosopher, Possessed, Powermad, Profanatica, Prophecy, Prong, Purgatoria, Purge Cannister, Pyrexia, Rachel Barton, Rancor, Regurgitation, Repulsion, Requiem, Resuscitator, Revenant, Rigor Mortis, Rise, Rotting Christ, Sacramentum, Sadistic Intent, Samael, Sammath, Sarcofago, Sarcophagus, Seance, Sentenced, Sepsism, Sepultura, Septic Flesh, Setherial, Sickness, Sinister, Six Feet Under, Skepticism, Skinless, Slaughter Of Souls, Slayer, Slipknot, Sodom, Solstice of Suffering, Sorcier des Glaces, Sort Vokter, Stratovarius, Stringendo, Suffocation, Summon, Summoning, Swordmaster, Tartaros, Tchildres, Terrorizer, Thanatopisis, Thanatos, Tha-norr The Insomnia, Therion, Thorns Throne of Ahaz, Thy Serpent, Tiburon, Torchure, Torturer, Trokar, Troll, Ulver, Unanimated, Under The Pagan Moon, Ungod, Unleashed, Unsanctified, Urgrund, Usurper, Vader, Varathon, Veles, Victims of Internal Decay, Vilkates, Villainthropy, Vociferation Ethernity, Voivod, Von, Vulpecula, Vader, Viiarcano, Viral Load, Visceral Bleeding, Vivisect, Vomit Remnants, Watain, Wormed, Xibalba, Yamatu, Zyklon-B
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Band Rearranging

We've done some band rearranging the past couple months. M.Alice moved to drums cause Machima 088 wasn't working out and moved back to fucking Utah or some shit. M.Alice fucking rocks on drums far bet...
Posted by nipplerot on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 04:30:00 PST

Where's the music???

Yeah I know we have no music on our page, yet. We've been having some issues in the studio with recording. Also the guitarist has been MIA for a few weeks due to a fucked up breakup with her girl...
Posted by nipplerot on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 08:43:00 PST