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Bhaktajim & Bhaktin Georganne


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We are aspiring to be devotees of Radha- KrishnaHow to Practice Japa Meditation

Add to My Profile | More VideosFrom Sri Isopanisad:Mantra 9TEXTandham tamah pravisanti ye 'vidyam upasate tato bhuya iva te tamo ya u vidyayam ratah SYNONYMSandham--gross ignorance; tamah--darkness; pravisanti--enter into; ye--those who; avidyam--nescience; upasate--worship; tatah--than that; bhuyah--still more; iva--like; te--they; tamah--darkness; ye--those who; u--also; vidyayam--in the culture of knowledge; ratah--engaged. TRANSLATIONThose who engage in the culture of nescient activities shall enter into the darkest region of ignorance. Worse still are those engaged in the culture of so-called knowledge. PURPORTThis mantra offers a comparative study of vidya and avidya. Avidya, or ignorance, is undoubtedly dangerous, but vidya, or knowledge, is even more dangerous when mistaken or misguided. This mantra of Sri Isopanisad is more applicable today than at any time in the past. Modern civilization has advanced considerably in the field of mass education, but the result is that people are more unhappy than ever before because of the stress placed on material advancement to the exclusion of the most important part of life, the spiritual aspect. As far as vidya is concerned, the first mantra has explained very clearly that the Supreme Lord is the proprietor of everything and that forgetfulness of this fact is ignorance. The more a man forgets this fact of life, the more he is in darkness. In view of this, a godless civilization directed toward the so-called advancement of education is more dangerous than a civilization in which the masses of people are less "educated."Of the different classes of men--karmis, jnanis and yogis--the karmis are those who are engaged in the activities of sense gratification. In the modern civilization, 99.9 percent of the people are engaged in the activities of sense gratification under the flags of industrialism, economic development, altruism, political activism, and so on. All these activities are more or less based on satisfaction of the senses, to the exclusion of the kind of God consciousness described in the first mantra.In the language of the Bhagavad-gita (7.15), people who are engaged in gross sense gratification are mudhas--asses. The ass is a symbol of stupidity. Those who simply engage in the profitless pursuit of sense gratification are worshiping avidya, according to Sri Isopanisad. And those who play the role of helping this sort of civilization in the name of educational advancement are actually doing more harm than those who are on the platform of gross sense gratification. The advancement of learning by a godless people is as dangerous as a valuable jewel on the hood of a cobra. A cobra decorated with a valuable jewel is more dangerous than one not decorated. In the Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (3. 11.12), the advancement of education by a godless people is compared to decorations on a dead body. In India, as in many other countries, some people follow the custom of leading a procession with a decorated dead body for the pleasure of the lamenting relatives. In the same way, modern civilization is a patchwork of activities meant to cover the perpetual miseries of material existence. All such activities are aimed toward sense gratification. But above the senses is the mind, and above the mind is the intelligence, and above the intelligence is the soul. Thus the aim of real education should be self-realization, realization of the spiritual values of the soul. Any education which does not lead to such realization must be considered avidya, or nescience. And to culture such nescience means to go down to the darkest region of ignorance.According to the Bhagavad-gita (2.42, 7.15), mistaken mundane educators are known as veda-vada-rata and mayayapahrta-jnana. They may also be atheistic demons, the lowest of men. Those who are veda-vada-rata pose themselves as very learned in the Vedic literature, but unfortunately they are completely diverted from the purpose of the Vedas. In the Bhagavad-gita (15.15) it is said that the purpose of the Vedas is to know the Personality of Godhead, but these veda-vada-rata men are not at all interested in the Personality of Godhead. On the contrary, they are fascinated by such fruitive results as the attainment of heaven.As stated in Mantra One, we should know that the Personality of Godhead is the proprietor of everything and that we must be satisfied with our allotted portions of the necessities of life. The purpose of all Vedic literature is to awaken this God consciousness in the forgetful living being, and this same purpose is presented in various ways in the different scriptures of the world for the understanding of a foolish mankind. Thus the ultimate purpose of all religions is to bring one back to Godhead.But the veda-vada-rata people, instead of realizing that the purpose of the Vedas is to revive the forgetful soul's lost relationship with the Personality of Godhead, take it for granted that such side issues as the attainment of heavenly pleasure for sense gratification--the lust for which causes their material bondage in the first place--are the ultimate end of the Vedas. Such people misguide others by misinterpreting the Vedic literature. Sometimes they even condemn the Puranas, which are authentic Vedic explanations for laymen. The veda-vada-ratas give their own explanations of the Vedas, neglecting the authority of great teachers (acaryas). They also tend to raise some unscrupulous person from among themselves and present him as the leading exponent of Vedic knowledge. Such veda-vada-ratas are especially condemned in this mantra by the very appropriate Sanskrit words vidyayam ratah. Vidyayam refers to the study of the Vedas because the Vedas are the origin of all knowledge (vidya), and ratah means "those engaged." Vidyayam ratah thus means "those engaged in the study of the Vedas." The so-called students of the Vedas are condemned herein because they are ignorant of the actual purpose of the Vedas on account of their disobeying the acaryas. Such veda-vada-ratas search out meanings in every word of the Vedas to suit their own purposes. They do not know that the Vedic literature is a collection of extraordinary books that can be understood only through the chain of disciplic succession.One must approach a bona fide spiritual master in order to understand the transcendental message of the Vedas. That is the direction of the Mundaka Upanisad (1.2.12). These veda-vada-rata people, however, have their own acaryas, who are not in the chain of transcendental succession. Thus they progress into the darkest region of ignorance by misinterpreting the Vedic literature. They fall even further into ignorance than those who have no knowledge of the Vedas at all.The mayayapahrta-jnana class of men are self-made "Gods." Such men think that they themselves are God and that there is no need of worshiping any other God. They will agree to worship an ordinary man if he happens to be rich, but they will never worship the Personality of Godhead. Such men, unable to recognize their own foolishness, never consider how it is that God can be entrapped by maya, His own illusory energy. If God were ever entrapped by maya, maya would be more powerful than God. Such men say that God is all-powerful, but they do not consider that if He is all-powerful there is no possibility of His being overpowered by maya. These self-made "Gods" cannot answer all these questions very clearly; they are simply satisfied to have become "God" themselves...a href=" / When KARMA Attacks 2!!

Add to My Profile | More VideosKarma doesn't mess around when one chooses to steal from a devotee

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Radha-Krishna; cows; gardening; landscaping; woodworking; hydroponic gardening; vegetarianism; cooking; cow protection; animal rights activistcare for cows

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We are trying to live our lives in a manner in which Radha- Krishna will want to meet us.Perfection of my Existence

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Add to My Profile | More VideosPleasure Secrets Revealed in the Bhagavad GitaChapter 9. The Most Confidential Knowledge TEXT 26patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati tad aham bhakty-upahrtam asnami prayatatmanahSYNONYMSpatram--a leaf; puspam--a flower; phalam--a fruit; toyam--water; yah--whoever; me--unto Me; bhaktya--with devotion; prayacchati--offers; tat--that; aham--I; bhakti-upahrtam--offered in devotion; asnami--accept; prayata-atmanah--of one in pure consciousness. TRANSLATIONIf one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it. PURPORTHere Lord Krsna, having established that He is the only enjoyer, the primeval Lord, and the real object of all sacrificial offerings, reveals what types of sacrifices He desires to be offered. If one wishes to engage in devotional service to the Supreme in order to be purified and reach the goal of life--the transcendental loving service of God--then he should find out what the Lord desires of him. One who loves Krsna will give Him whatever He wants, and he avoids offering anything which is undesirable or unasked for. Thus, meat, fish and eggs should not be offered to Krsna. If He desired such things as offerings, He would have said so. Instead He clearly requests that a leaf, fruit, flowers and water be given to Him, and He says of this offering, "I will accept it." Therefore, we should understand that He will not accept meat, fish and eggs. Vegetables, grains, fruits, milk and water are the proper foods for human beings and are prescribed by Lord Krsna Himself. Whatever else we eat cannot be offered to Him, since He will not accept it. Thus we cannot be acting on the level of loving devotion if we offer such foods. In the Third Chapter, verse thirteen, Sri Krsna explains that only the remains of sacrifice are purified and fit for consumption by those who are seeking advancement in life and release from the clutches of the material entanglement. Those who do not make an offering of their food, He says in the same verse, are said to be eating only sin. In other words, their every mouthful is simply deepening their involvement in the complexities of material nature. But preparing nice, simple vegetable dishes, offering them before the picture or Deity of Lord Krsna and bowing down and praying for Him to accept such a humble offering, enable one to advance steadily in life, to purify the body, and to create fine brain tissues which will lead to clear thinking. Above all, the offering should be made with an attitude of love. Krsna has no need of food, since He already possesses everything that be, yet He will accept the offering of one who desires to please Him in that way. The important element, in preparation, in serving and in offering, is to act with love for Krsna. The impersonalist philosophers, who wish to maintain that the Absolute Truth is without senses, cannot comprehend this verse of Bhagavad-gita. To them, it is either a metaphor or proof of the mundane character of Krsna, the speaker of the Gita. But, in actuality, Krsna, the Supreme Godhead, has senses, and it is stated that His senses are interchangeable; in other words, one sense can perform the function of any other. This is what it means to say that Krsna is absolute. Lacking senses, He could hardly be considered full in all opulences. In the Seventh Chapter, Krsna has explained that He impregnates the living entities into material nature. This is done by His looking upon material nature. And so in this instance, Krsna's hearing the devotee's words of love in offering foodstuffs is wholly identical with His eating and actually tasting. This point should be emphasized: because of His absolute position, His hearing is wholly identical with His eating and tasting. Only the devotee, who accepts Krsna as He describes Himself, without interpretation, can understand that the Supreme Absolute Truth can eat food and enjoy it.


George Harrison "My Sweet Lord" Live

Add to My Profile | More VideosAtma; Krishna Das; Mollie O'Brien; George Harrison; Bhagavan Das; Jai Uttal; Rasa; Michael Cassidy; Kirtans and Bhajans all day long!!!


I do not understand movies or why people watch them. A waste of my time.


I have given up televisionSRILA PRABHUPADA SAYS... Everyone is searching after peace of mind. This is obtainable only when one is completely freed from the desire for material sense gratification and is engaged in the devotional service of the Lord REF: SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM 5.7.11, PURPORT


All of Prabhupadas' books; cookbooks; gardening books; how-to books


Srila Prabhupada; Kay; Dayarupa;

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Remember Krsna 24 hours a day

..> "Remember Krsna 24 Hours A Day" 66/10/02 New York, Bhagavad-gita 7.8-14 listen  Prabhupada: raso 'ham apsu kaunteyaprabhasmi sasi-suryayohpranavah sarva-vedesusabdah khe paurusam nrsu ...
Posted by Bhaktajim & Bhaktin Georganne on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 07:59:00 PST

I need a cigarette

ko nama loke purusartha-saravitpura-kathanam bhagavat-katha-sudhamapiya karnanjalibhir bhavapahamaho virajyeta vina naretaramTRANSLATIONWho, other than one who is not a human being, can exist in this ...
Posted by Bhaktajim & Bhaktin Georganne on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 07:20:00 PST

How much are we giving and how much are we holding back?

"G u r u     m u k h a    p a d m a     v a k y a"How much are we giving and how much we are holding back?&&..& Nectarean MellowsThe Vraja vasis ...
Posted by Bhaktajim & Bhaktin Georganne on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 12:55:00 PST

Dharma Journal

Dharma Journal Authentic Dharma for Today's World____________ _________ _________ _________ ______April 11th, 2007 - Founded in 1998JAYA SRI KRSNA!The Teachings of the Bhagavad GitaIMPORTANCE OF KARMA...
Posted by Bhaktajim & Bhaktin Georganne on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 06:28:00 PST

Siva -Tattva - A lecture for Siva- Ratri ..> ..> Siva-Tattva - A Lecture for Siva-Ratri..>..> ..> ..>     ..>..> [A Lecture Based On Sri Brhad-Bhagavatamrta]Holla...
Posted by Bhaktajim & Bhaktin Georganne on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 06:02:00 PST

Definition of Bhakti

If you want the definition of bhakti, the bhakti means to use the things for the proprietor. That is right use. If somebody use for another purpose, that is misuse. So bhakti means, when things are us...
Posted by Bhaktajim & Bhaktin Georganne on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 07:01:00 PST

Balancing Materialism and Spiritualism

--> --> --> -->--> --> Question:  Balancing Materialism and Spiritualism. .. I am new to Krishna-bhakti , at least in this birth. I am developing faith and love in Sri Krishna. I want to as...
Posted by Bhaktajim & Bhaktin Georganne on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 03:00:00 PST

THE SPEAKING TREE: What Happens When You Invert The Tree

THE SPEAKING TREE: What Happens When You Invert the Treehttp://timesofindia .indiatimes. com/OPINION/ Editorial/ THE_SPEAKING_ TREE_What_ happens_when_ you_invert_ the_tree/ articleshow/ 1085471.cmsPa...
Posted by Bhaktajim & Bhaktin Georganne on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 04:37:00 PST

Be a part of this divine mission

"G u r u     m u k h     p a d m a     v a k y a"Be a part of this divine mission&..&&&&... Nectarean Mellows     &...
Posted by Bhaktajim & Bhaktin Georganne on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:00:00 PST

The No. 1 public enemy of devotion

Television: The No. 1 Public Enemy of Devotion 786 Views / EMail ThisPost / Home ยป Television: The No. 1 Public Enemy of DevotionBy Kaunteya DasThe message of this posting is very simple: watching TV ...
Posted by Bhaktajim & Bhaktin Georganne on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 03:57:00 PST