Just being ALIVE and out in NATURE, having the best day ever and feeling ecstatic, family, friends, unconditional love, peace, non-violence,“Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.†– Jon F. Kennedy“Everyone’s a pacifist between wars. It’s like being vegetarian between meals.†– Colman McCarthy“I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, ‘Mom, what was war?’â€joy, beauty, unity, communities, laughter (the best medicine), talking to people, interesting conversations, animals, soaking up the warm life giving rays of the sun, sungazing, and heliotherapy, deep breathing/pranayama, sleeping/resting/relaxing, hiking/camping/adventure, rock/mountain/tree climbing, running/jogging, bodyweight exercises (Combat Conditioning-Matt Furey and Gama stuff), kettlebells, Indian clubs, strength training and feats, natural bodybuilding, weight lifting, grip strength, swimming, stretching, wrestling/grappling, martial arts (right now I just do Tae Kwon Doe and some Hap Ki Do, but I am studying Shaolin Kung Fu-I am training for the iron palm skill; I would eventually like to study all styles of martial arts, especially Jujitsu, Aikido, Ninjitsu, and of course-Jeet Kune Do), qi gong/chi kung, tai chi, yoga/balancing the chakra & affirmations, tantra, gymnastics, contortionism, organic food, health/nutrition, Natural Hygiene (I don't agree with all of the modern NH concepts, but the raw food world would not be where it is today without those guys, so I am very thankful for their contributions they made-bless them all!), Ayurveda, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), homeopathy, massage/physical therapy, aromatherapy, reflexology/acupressure and acupuncture, iridology, hydrotherapy (I do it hardcore-like ice baths and polar bear swims in the middle of winter-it's tradition!), physiognamy (face reading), reiki/energy healing, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), magnet therapy, fasting, organic food, ethical vegetarianism, raw foods/high vibrations,enzymes, antioxidants, UNcooking recipes, smoothies, juicing, chlorophyll, teas/tonics/elixers, hemp (Jah Medicine) which has to be in my opinion the best and most ideal human food ever! Its a magical plant given to human beings that is probably not from here (I suspect it may be alien like mushrooms?) It is food (the seeds are packed with protein, all the essential amino acids, and omega 3 fatty acids, the leaves are highly alkalizing, excellent for remineralization especially silica and magnesium which can be biologically transmuted into calcium=bone building, and the male pollen is super nutrient dense), medicine (spiritual and physical), fuel, fibre, clothing, paper, building materials, toxin remover from the earth (absorbs heavy metals from the earth), atmosphere regenerator (sucks up CO2 faster than most other plants), heart chakra balancer (green is the centre of the rainbow, the middle colour). Hemp is the plant that will save the planet! I'm a hemp fanatic-I eat hemp seeds, hemp protein powder, hempseed oil, hempseed nut butter, wear hemp clothes, use hemp soap {Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap}, shampoo, conditioner, etc... Let's just say this-I center my diet on hemp (and cacao!) No I'm not a pothead; I don't smoke, I would not ever let smoke enter my lungs intentionally-duh, I'm a health nut! And why burn your sacred medicine!?)cacao (yea, I eat RAW chocolate-"THE FOOD OF THE GODS"-THE BEST FOOD EVER!!!) for breakfast everyday in my superfood smoothie!),RAW durian and cacao parties, music, piano, art/drawing, poetry/writing, singing and dancing, learning/reading/studying any useful and interesting knowledge I can get my hands on, myths/legends/folklore (ex: Native American), thinking, philosophy, herbology/botany, shamanism, entheogenic experiences, foraging for wild edible/medicinal plants, wilderness survival, animal activism, environmentalism, pacifism, physical and mental feats, mentalism/memory, tapping into infinite intelligence, longevity and immortality ("Death is the way the world gets rid of unhealthy people; How can you die if your conscious!?" - Peter Ragnar), levitation,
psychic abilities, telekinesis/psychokinesis, telepathy, magick, prophecy, I-Ching, astrology, 2012 (Utopia/Age of Aquarius-ancient Mayan prophecy), palmistry, Pythagorean and Chaldean numerology, dream reading, spiritual card reading, the Secret-the law of attraction, optimism, minerals, alchemy, amaroli or shivambu (UT), ORMUS, soma, science (mainly biology, chemistry, and anatomy/physiology), quantum physics, sacred geometry, pyramids, aliens, time travel, astral projection, lucid dreaming, sprouting, fermentation, kombucha, growing plants, planting trees, ecology, meditation, mantras, Hare Krishna, Hemisync, prayer, Eckanar, the Buddhist/Essene/Nazarene/Ebionite Way, Taoism, Confucianism, Zen, esoteric wisdom of the TRUE Rastafaris, Gnosticism, kundalini, mysticism, spirituality, and last but not least; to summarize all of the above-MAXIMIZING HUMAN POTENTIAL BY BECOMING A VASTLY IMPROVED HUMAN UNIT THROUGH ATTAINGING HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS AND OPTIMAL HEALTH AND VITALITY-PURSUING EXCELLENCE!!!
I'd like to meet:
Anyone with an open mind, similar interests, and/or avid seekers of truth, knowledge, and wisdom... YOU!
I enjoy listening to pretty much any type of music that is healing and soothing or has truth in it or a spiritual conotation.Genres: Native American, Incan, reggae, hip hop, jazz, soul, healing, roots, folk rock, accoustic, indie, and that psychadelic/trance/ambient New Age stuff.
Specific Songs: "The Hu Song" and "Hare Krishna" (Hindu chant/mantra.)
Artists: Sakshi-I, Decipher, Healing Waters Band, Shimshai, Joseph Israel, Soul Being, True Love, Manaka, Jah Levi, Arjun and Guardians, Javis the Bravest, Jah Sun Feat, Ras Attitude, Lutan Fyah, Round Sky Music, INGA (Living Food music), Ko-Shin, Dada Nabhaniilananda, Lama Choyin Rangdrol, Brent Allen Scott, Product .01, Narco T, and Bob Marley.
Jah Sun Feat, Ras Attitude, and Lutan Fyah-"No Bonez No Blood" (I love this song! Listened to it like 100 McBillion times! LOL):
Zeitgeist, The Secret, What the Bleep do We Know?, Raw for 30 Days, Super Size Me, Loose Change 911, Enter the Dragon, The Game of Death, Grizzly Man, The Hunted, Apocalypto, The End of the Spear, Into the Wild, The Myth, The Matrix, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Cast Away.Here are some very informative videos that I have provided for everyone-ENJOY!:Go Raw Now Trailer!:David Wolfe Raw Foods Unleashed! Hollywood 2006:David Wolfe on ORMUS:Mutant Milk: The World's Most Dangerous Beverage!:Guess This Meat-The CRAZY Truth About the Meat We Eat!:The World's First Bionic Burger:What's in your tap water? Find out here!:The Vita Stick: Healthy Cigarette?:
The idiot box? Yea watch it if your happy living a lie; I'd rather get high off of my deep breathing exercises...
The Bible, The Torah, The Koran, The Bhagavad Gita, The Ancient Vedic Texts, The Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Judas, The Essene Gosels of Peace, The Gospel of the Holy Twelve, The Buddhist Essene Gospel of Jesus by: Johnny Lovewisdom, Survival in the 21st Century by: Viktoras Kulvinskas, The Sunfood Diet Success System by: David Wolfe, Naked Chocolate by: David Wolfe, How Long Do You Choose to Live by: Peter Ragnar, Alive and Well with Wild Foods-A Raw Food Survival Guide by: Peter Ragnar, Zen, Christianity, and a Bunch of Bull by: Peter Ragnar, The Art and Science of Physical Invincibility by: Peter Ragnar, Tom Brown's Field Guide to Wilderness Survival, Primitive Living, Self-Sufficiency, and Survival Skills by: Thomas J. Elpel, Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in Wild (and Not So Wild) Places by: Steve Brill, Back to Eden by: Jethro Kloss, Paul Bragg books, Becoming Younger by: Norman W. Walker, Combat Conditioning by: Matt Furey, Dinasour Training by: Brooks Kubik, Power to the People-Russian Strength Training Secrets for Every American by: Pavel Tsatsouline, Health for the Millions by: Herbert Shelton, The Mucusless Healing System by: Arnold Ehret, Nature the Healer by: John Richter, The Wheatgrass Book and The Sprout Book by: Ann Wigmore, Juliano's Raw Uncook Book, Raw Food-Real World, A New Earth by: Eckhart Tolle, and many more...! (I have a mini library in my room!)
Anastasia, Yeshua (Jesus), Sidharta Gautama (Buddha), Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, Lao Tsu, Confucius, Bodhidharma, Solomon, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Mohandas K. Gandhi a.k.a. “Mahatma†(Great Soul), Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Rachel Carson, Martin Luther King Jr., Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Mark Twain, Johnny Lovewisdom, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, Ellen G. White, Jethro Kloss, Arnold Ehret, Herbert Shelton, T.C. Fry, Hilton Hotema, Sylvester Graham, John Harvey Kellogg, John H. Tilden, Russell Trall, Norman W. Walker, Ann Wigmore, Paul Bragg, Joseph Greenstein a.k.a. “The Mighty Atomâ€, George Hackenschmidt a.k.a. “The Russian Lionâ€, Harry Houdini, Pythagoras, Milo, The Great Gama, Karl Gotch, Bruce Lee, and Bob Marley just to name a few…