Isn't it time you change your myspace layout .... "I wish peace and happiness for all living entities. It seems that due to our conditioned existence it is hard to see and reach beyond the limitations of our perception. However there is hope when we take shelter of the Holy Names of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Because God is Absolute, His/Her Names are Absolute too. As soon as we bring that Absolute into vibration via our lips or even in our thinking we start associating with the Absolute. Then that highest realm, that plane beyond our ordinary perception, shines through into our daily lives and enables us to relate to the Supreme Being Who is more attractive than any other being existing. Vibrating the Holy Names of the Lord is the surest way in this age (Kali Yuga) to reclaim our divinity and to become 'godly'. Can you imagine how our world would look like when we would allow the Supreme Being to be at the core of our attention? Can you imagine how the world would look like when more and more people vibrate Divine Love in themselves and to each other? Althought the Supreme Being has unlimited Names, I personally am very attached to the Names Nityananda, Gauranga, Sacinandana, Radha, Syama, Govinda, Hare and Krishna. The Names you hear right now resonate deep within your being and awaken your dormant love for that Supreme Being. I invite you to listen just a little bit your heart and allow these Divine Names to vibrate deep within you...oh you pure soul...I love you! Welcome to my website:
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Last night I dreamt about Lord Nityananda who was surrounded by an ocean of devotees who were all singing the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra with angelic voices. The whole atmosphere was totally filled with... Posted by on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 19:27:00 GMT