I'm a bassplayer who started in the late 1977! What i do is trying to have some music adventures with my instrument! Here are a few audio samples with me playing on this webplayer above! More stuff i do is: The Swedish National Symphonic Orchestra and solo bass! One Man Band - solo bass, Heavy Metal - HammerFall, Funk pop - AROSE, New Heavy Metal - X-WORLD/5, Some old stuff i did was: Spotnicks - Bosse Winberg, Kung Sune and Badrock / 50, Billionaires boys club, Von Rosen, and much more. I also working with " music against violence " www.musicaginstviolence.com
My solo album is:
Imagine a Place,
Empthy Room,
Set Me free.
I also did solobass balett ( Gothenburg OperaHouse ), Solobass with The Royal Phil Harmonic ( Synfonic ) Orcestra, NEW..S My new solo album with the Swedish National " Symphonic " Orcestra " will be out 2009.
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