Magnus profile picture


A man in this world

About Me

Im a positive man how try to get some nice experiance with this life! Im a bassplayer since late 1977. HammerFall is my headline job( Heavy Metal ) I also write music and tour around the world with my " one man band " solo bass. Its more funk,jazz, fuzzion,folk music. A mix of meny styles! Some time i say, it´s like poesi on bass! Projects i have right now is: AROSE ( Pop, funk, rock ) X-WORLD/5 ( new Heavy metel )The Swedish National Synfonic Orcestra, Roylal fil harmonic orcestra, The Opera House in Gothenburg, Cloudscape, Clinic´s, workshops etc... Charity tours and shows I also woring with " music against violence " Plus more...

My Interests

Music and a good life.

I'd like to meet:

Musician and people with and open mind, how have visions in the reality we live in!


All kind of music! It´s to much to write all here!


People how are strong inuff to do what they think is right in the life!