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Every ending has a new beginning...

About Me

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I like to DRINK (excessively -- in fact, friends say I have a drinking problem but I'm still in denial), EAT (a little too much -- and all kinds of food), SLEEP (like a pig -- sometimes I get up at 2pm on the weekends), and SHOP (anywhere and everywhere -- I usually end up with things I don't need)... needless to say, moderation is not in my vocabulary. Different people ignite different sides of me... I can be extremely shy and reserved or extremely funny and outgoing, depending on who I'm around. I'm independent, have always been, as I've learned that you can never fully depend on anyone else. I appreciate people with a great sense of humor as I'm quite sarcastic myself. And I'm also pretty dorky (so I was told).Things I hate: waking up in the morning with a hangover but having to go to work (it is inevitable), people who ask you for your advice and do the total opposite of what you've suggested, the feel of a person's saliva on your face when they talk to you is gross (say it but don't spray it), bird shit on my car!!, any kind of bugs, eggplants, waiting in line, the smell of fart (besides my own, which happens to smell like roses haha), and I hate it when people cut me off on the freeway then drive really slow... Things I like: pugs, seeing a really old couple holding hands, making someone smile, summer, someone telling me I did a good job on something (anything!), midgets, Hennessy, the beach, funny people that can make me laughing, laughing until my face feels numb, Long Island Iced Tea, Long Beach Iced Tea, hearing a song that brings back old memories or tears to my eyes, talking to myself or to my imaginary friend (Gunther), happy hour, stalking random people, seafood, Gollum from Lord of the Rings, anyone who is a loser/loner, happy babies that don't cry, horror movies, anything odd Thank you, Gerson, for this chart of celebrities I look like...

My Interests

Figuring out a way to dominate the world... I welcome all suggestions.

I'd like to meet:

God (to see if he really exist)... the people who invented (or created) algebra and calculus so I can slap them... the person who invented alcohol so I can give him a high five... people who say what they mean and mean what they say...Wentworth Miller... he's the reason I'm addicted to Prison Break my favorite NBA player, Dwayne Wade... the MVP title was well-deserved and last but not least, Brad Pitt (who doesn't wanna meet Brad Pitt?!) * NGOCKY NGOC'S FUNKY BUNCH!! * * knock * has 1212 friends. My lovely sister, Cristy aka "Cristopher"

Linda aka "X" can't live with her, can't live without her

.. My friend since I was 7 yrs old, Jenny aka "J. San"

.. The sweetest girl I know, Tammy aka "T Bone"

Funny girl Myna aka "Mee-No", always can make us laugh

My bud buddy from back in the dayz, Patti aka "Patrick"

My happy hour drinking partner, Katie aka Ms. Kitty

My fellow Chui Chow girl, Mei aka "Darkness"

Miss M.I.A., Tiffany aka Tiffy

The sexy dealer, Joyce aka Joycie

Always at Passions, Lanh aka Stacey

Allison aka Alli

.. Huey aka Jason, this guy drinks more than me

Linda, one of my few friends who's actually happily married

My favorite attorney, Terrell

The little one, Tracy aka "T Bone #2"

.. Clinton aka Karma Entertainment, promotes the hottest parties in Hollywood

My clubbing buddy, "Lil Tina"

Always beat me at 5-10, Chiang

.. Ann, cannot tell she has 2 kids!

The pretty boy, Wade

Bell Aire Lounge in Monterey Park

I've known this guy since 2nd grade "Mr. Kasper"

My crazy Canadian friend, Joe

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Anything from Ludacris to Snoop to 50 to Green Day to Journey to Beyonce to Kelly Clarkson to Michael Jackson (uh, maybe not Michael but you get the point)


Lord of the Rings, Goodfellas


Prison Break, American Justice, Spongebob Square Pants, South Park, Cheaters (I stay home Saturday nights just to watch it), The Chelsea Handler Show (she is hilarious)... but my all time favorite show is Friends (I've seen every episode at least 2-3 times, but heck, I still watch it... now that's loyalty).. and my new favorite show is Justice Which Sex and the City Character Are You?
Congratulations! You are Carrie.
Take this quiz !


The last book I read is "The Good Earth" and I liked it. It makes me appreciate life a little bit more


George W. Bush... NOT!!! More like Jerry from Tom & Jerry (that little rat always get away) and the person who invented alcohol... and my dad for raising 3 girls on his own

My Blog

Come visit me at work!

To my local friends: I started a second job at a new bar/lounge called Bell Aire. It is located at 434 Potrero Grande Dr., Monterey Park.  It's a nice, chill place.  I work Monday and F...
Posted by *~* N *~* on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 11:25:00 PST

Super Lawyers

Congrats to my two bosses who were named 2006 Southern California Super Lawyers!! I'm so proud of them!! And congrats for their recent big victory on the infamous State Farm v. Tracerton tri...
Posted by *~* N *~* on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 12:36:00 PST


My favorite saying is "every ending has a new beginning." But sometimes things end before they can ever begin. And I keep wondering what I could have done differently, why things are always ruined bef...
Posted by *~* N *~* on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 10:29:00 PST

Dear Alcohol

Dear Alcohol,First and foremost, let me tell you that I'm a huge fan of yours.As my friend, you always seem to be there when needed. The perfect post-work cocktail, a beer at the game, and you're even...
Posted by *~* N *~* on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 04:15:00 PST

Random Thoughts

Throughout my twenty-two years of living, I have never been truly content with life. This journal is written to remind myself and others that in order to gain true happiness, you have to love (yourse...
Posted by *~* N *~* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Home Remedies (Funny!!)

I wanna see someone try this at home! 1. If you are choking on an ice cube, don't panic. Simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat and presto! The blockage will be almost instantly rem...
Posted by *~* N *~* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I dont believe there is only one person in the world for someone. I believe that each person has a few people in the world who could potentially be the one. Its a matter of timing, whether their...
Posted by *~* N *~* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST