Barbie Budweiser profile picture

Barbie Budweiser

Shits weak! shits'd be into techno too if you had robot ears

About Me

"The longest journey is the journey inwards of him who has chosen his destiny, who has started upon his quest for the source of his being." - Dag Hammarskjold
. .Carpe Diem. .
My name is Barbie Budweiser.
- - - I'm so fucking stoked that it's FINALLY summer! - - -
Life at the moment is pretty damn wonderful (:
I have an amazing family whom I love more than life itself.
And my friends make me smile more than any one person should.
I have a sick fascination w/ all things horrific.
Blood, Gore, Murder, Death, Suicide ♥
I'm single. By choice.
But someday (soon?), I'd like to give love another go.
I'm spontaneous. I'm indecisive. I'm blunt. Sometimes a little too much.
I paint my nails black because I think it's cool.
Music is my biggest passion in life. Don't get it twisted.
I don't have any tattoos, yet.
I'd prefer a passionate kiss over sex any day of the week.
I;m at a medium on rockband drums- yea that took work
That being said, I love all video games.
It doesn't take much to impress me.
It does, however, take a lot (I repeat: alot) to keep my attention.
My dream is to make it out to denmark;
And one day, very soon, I'll make that dream come true.
I give way too many second chances.
I'm a hypochondiac, i carry every sort of medication in my purse.
I'm sensitive. Probably a tad bit more than I show.
I find dark hair & light eyes to be THE sexiest combination imagineable.
I don't believe in the word normal. Boring, yes. But normal, no.
I like to think that I'm unique;
That I stand out from the majority of stupidfucks in this fucked up world.
I prefer texting over talking on the phone now that i have a keypad.
I love thunderstorms.
I think that guidos should become extinct, effective immediately.
I love making people smile. I, in turn, love smiling.
The acoustic guitar melts my heart.
Big muscles don't impress me. Neither does money. Or cockiness.
I've worked hard for everything that I have;
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I can't sleep w/out a fan.
I don't pretend to be something I'm not. Don't you ever call me fake.
I don't enjoy getting "hammered" as much anymore.
People come & go in my life so easily;
This is something I've come to accept, but not fully understand.
I'm outgoing. I don't embarass easily.
I flirt with everyone. Yes, I mean everyone.
But please don't take it to mean that I dig you. I most likely don't.
I love taking road trips. Meeting new peope. Seeing the world.
I love the unexplainable. I don't always need to find an answer.
I like trying new things. New experiences. It's what life is all about.
I'm not an easy girl to figure out.

My Interests

playing tennis
dollar stores
make up
asian babies
giants football
taco bell
beer pong
unusual tote bags
video games

I'd like to meet:

Writers, illustrators, painters, poets, musicians, philosophers, fellow alcoholics :) Anyone with something of value to contribute to my life.

Jonas Armstrong

Heath Ledger

Leonardo Dicaprio

Kelsey Grammar

Jude Law

Prince William and Prince Harry

Michael Rosenbaum

Zooey Deschanel

Adam Sandler aka the love of my life!

Catherine O'Harra

Bill Murray

New York

Will Ferrell

Adrian Brody

Dear Barb, you're amazing in bed


I love just about any kind of music, here's some off the top of my head:
Tori Amos!
Lou Rawls
Same Cooke
Duke Ellington
Ella Fitzgerald
Maynard Ferguson
Billie Holiday
Tony Bennet
Frank Sinatra
I am Ghost
Circa survive
Colbie Caillat
The scene aesthetic
Obo Martin
Sterling Riot
The Dresden dolls
Against me
The pouges
Little Wolverines
The Futureheads
Brand new
Jason Webley
Vermillion Lies
Ben Kweller
Damien Rice
Saves the day
Danny Elfman
The rocket summer
Fall out boy
Killswitch engage
White Snake
Neil Young
Say Anything
Fleetwood Mac
The used
Jeffree Star
Stabbing westward
Brand new
Ani Defranco
The blow
Minus the bear
A perfect circle
The get up kids
The cadence
Margot and the nuclear so and so's
Silver chair
Fly leaf
Tristan Prettyman
Shiny toy guns
Lacuna coil
Ingrid Michaelson
Head automatica
Dead Poetic
Lila McCann

You wanna know
who I really am?
yeah so do I...


hitch hikers guide to the galaxy
the burbs♥
nightmare before xmas superbad
monsters inc


Golden girls
Dead like me
Full house
Family guy
Flavor of love
Will & Grace
Family ties
Still standing
Gilmore girls
Anything on the nerd channels



♥♥♥ Harry Potter ♥♥♥
A crimson petal and the white
Are you there vodka, it's me chelsea


My Blog

Memories of you

Memories of you have edges,sharp enough to cut into my day,Ignored and building new ledges, high enough to forget your face i wanna get highfar enough from the time cards and paychecks a reminder that...
Posted by Barbie Budweiser on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 05:09:00 PST

Wait for it

My newest poem soon to be set to music: and i look for something to replace this but i cant seem to get you off my mind i just needed to face it  its nothing that will change with time everyone...
Posted by Barbie Budweiser on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 05:35:00 PST


I woke from a dreamso real I was almost lostand into the dark I reachedbut felt no handI turned and I tossedfound a position I could forget inand back to dream. I drove the roads heard your voice in ...
Posted by Barbie Budweiser on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 04:01:00 PST

Lovers and friends

My lovers and friends, have all layed upon this bed. Some promised forever, but left instead.   Boyfriends and parties, awkward morning goodbyes. Friends became strangers, and lovers to...
Posted by Barbie Budweiser on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 10:28:00 PST

3am poem

Rum induced romance, temporary artificial desire. Let's pretend it doesnt matter, and see who makes the better liar.   Oh I think I've won again, but sweetie you were never the g...
Posted by Barbie Budweiser on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:09:00 PST


No one will care as much as I thought you did, I guess I was just fooling myself And everyone I kiss these days, Will continue to remind me of your mouth.   You always held me tighter than anyon...
Posted by Barbie Budweiser on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 03:17:00 PST

i've got way too much creative juices and not enough life

Fire burning in my stomach everytime i pass a place i think you might be and when i'm driving alone in my car I pretend you're there with me holding tightly to my hand laughing at how lost we've got s...
Posted by Barbie Budweiser on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 01:50:00 PST

Eat me.

    You know you're drunk when you start letting people eat your face.   and theres no need to be jealous,  there wasnt a real kiss... :)...
Posted by Barbie Budweiser on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 03:44:00 PST

I miss you, more than you'd ever know

This isn't really about me or anyone in particular. I just like to write sad stuff sometimes because I know there are a lot of people who can relate to it.   I'm sorry your heart is full of doubt...
Posted by Barbie Budweiser on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 02:49:00 PST

Top 10 celebrities I'd want to screw

I'd like to bang a lot of men, but heres the top 10 :   10. Drew Carey- let's face it, hes got that beer drinking, outdoor pool playing, silly man appeal. Besides, who couldn't fall for those gl...
Posted by Barbie Budweiser on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 02:26:00 PST