PERPETUALLY DePrEsSED> /manic Depressive.]{SLUT}
..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace
editor™ V2.5
Make uP~ ciggarrettes~ coLoring booKs~ crayOns~ pink~ Vodka~ sea otters~ razor bLades~ sQuirreLs~ CLouDs~ SHOES~ gLitter~ bad jokes~ caT paws~ stars~ pretty girLs~DeaD animaLs~Video GameS~and GIANt FRUITS AND VEGETABLEz
SomeOne whO RUNS wiTh SciSSoRs♥
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I am an 80's WHORE ELEKTRO wave trash..DIRTY SANCHEZ!!! Faint KiLLers SCissor sisters
HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH nightmare before christmas PEE WEE MOVIES and war movies
one flew over the cukoo's nest,shes come undone,Lord of the fLies,pRINcE OF tIDES -yea,i read and if you dont Like it you can go faLL off the worLd.
No Ones going to save you,so you might try saving yourseLf.