Free Jazz, Dark Rum and Coke, giving up smoking, All tomorrows Parties (ATP), distortionsaxophones, movies, punk rock, sacred geometry, stoooopid conspiracy theories, how to make the perfect curry, and lots and lots of music
someone who can tell me what "pompitous" means
Dark Captain (, Lighnting Bolt, Shellac, Fugazi, Albert Ayler, John Coltrane, Brotzmann, El-P, Cannibal Ox, Jackie-O Motherfucker, Supersilent, Madlib, MF Doom, Alice Coltrane, Slint, Tortoise, Steve Reid, Tom Waits, autechre, pharoah sanders, Can, Neu!, Boredoms, This Heat, Sunburned Hand of The Man, Sun Ra, Art Ensemble of Chicago, Clouddead, Vibracathedral Orchestra, Mike Ladd, six organs of admittance, Radian, Paul Flaherty & Chris Corsano, Pan Sonic, OOIOO, Don Cherry, The Dead C, Black Dice.
the movies of Jodorowski, Lynch, Miike...and other pretentious shit
Twin Peaks, baby!