Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Art, Music, Literature, Cinema, Philosophy, Psicanalisis, Misanthropy, Dadaism, Futurism, Feticism, History, Totalitarism, Denied Culture, Misticism, Esoterism, Spiritualism, Esistenzialism, Girls who have iron in their face, Sport(AS Cosenza Calcio), Theatre, Death, Politics, Sex Drugs and Post Punk!
old school punk, post punk, positive punk, new wave, electro wave, cold wave, dark wave, no wave, goth, batcave, deathrock, industrial, electro-industrial, folk noir, neofolk, apocalyptic folk, esoteric folk, martial folk, ebm, future pop, italian new wave, french cold wave, electronic, indie, dark cabaret, classical music: joy division, cure, bauhaus, sisters of mercy, siouxsie and the banshees, death in june, action pact, and also the trees, ghost dance, mission, siekiera, spiritual front, rose rovine amanti, crisantemo del carrione, merry thoughts, IANVA, sex gang children, birthday party, depeche mode, zyio, derniere volontè, essence, dazibao, virgin prunes, alien sex fiend, ain soph, current93, asylum party, coil, the marionettes, the bolshoi, love like blood, kirlian camera, suspiria, fra lippo lippi, section 25, ikon, cinema strange, this mortal coil, voodoo church, neu!, kraftwerk, christian death, furyo, ordo rosarius equilibrio, en velours noir, argine, siderartica, cabaret voltaire, jo squillo, omd, echo and the bunnymen, cocteau twins, nine inch nails, run with wolves, domiana, house of husher, fields of the nephilim, throbbing gristle, in the nursery, in camera, madre del vizio, katzenjammer kabarett, all gone dead, limbo, eat your make up, pankow, diaframma, norma loy, theresa racket, les provisoires, exces nocturne, de press, odessa, vanishing, neon, kyrie, litfiba, progetto miranda, crispy ambulance, in mitra medusa inri, sotto fascia semplice, inner glory, sol invictus, in slaughter natives, lupi glaudius, bohèmien, modo, sex pistols, siglo xx, devo, buzzcocks, radiohead, gli incesti, franco battiato, animavirus, other voices, for against, DAF, gang of four, faust'o rossi, en halvolkt i folie, atrax morgue, runes order, altered states, names, la casa usher, dresden dolls, jesus and mary chain, poesie noir, dead can dance, branches, camerata mediolanense, faith and the muse, wake UK, wake USA, black heaven, kantzenjammer kabarett, narr!, SKET, black tape for a blue girl, frank the baptist, vnv nation, zona industriale, einsturzende neubaten, autumna et sa rose, arcana, boyd rice and his friends, hawntorn, suicide, terdrop explodes,uk decay, le forbici di manitù, mary goes round, il giardino violetto, generation x, clair obscur, nirvana, xtc, biagio prisco and many many others!!
Clockwork Orange, Schindler's list, Dancer in the Dark, The Hunger,Il Portiere di Notte, Eyes Wide Shut, il cinema muto del primo novecento, il cinema d'avanguardia, Kubrik,Woody Allen, Il Gabinetto del Dottor Galigari, Closer, Chris Marker and many many others...
Tom Verlaine!!!
Nietzsche, Sylvia Plath, Vladimir Majakovski,Charles Baudelaire,Julius Evola, Yukio Mishima, Pietro l'Aretino, Karl Marx, Bakunin, Mallarme, Mikail Bulgakov, Rimbaud, samuel Beckett, Oscar Wilde, Philopat,Cesare Pavese, Verlaine,Horace Walpole, Orwell,Primo Levi, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Marinetti, Lenin, Jean Paul Sartre,H.P. Lovecraft, Marziale, Saffo, Erodoto, Seneca, Schopenhauer, Telesio, Ciardullo, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Oscar Wilde, Michel Houellebecq, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, Franz Kafka, Victor Hugò, Maxim Jakubowski, Dostojeskii, Sigmund Freud, Charles Bukovski, Amelia Rosselli, Antonin Artaud, Ted Hughes, Isabella Santacroce, Emilio Praga, Igino Ugo Tarchetti, Edgar Allan Poe, Italo Calvino, Surrealism, Luigi Pirandello and all gothic-esoteric-philosophical literature...
Ian Curtis (RIP)Angelo Bergamini